Razia Jan – A true woman of valor

by Rachel Held Evans Read Distraction Free

"They said, 'This is your last chance ... to change this school into a boys' school, 
because the backbone of Afghanistan is our boys,'" Jan recalled. 
"I just turned around and I told them, 'Excuse me. The women are the eyesight of Afghanistan
and unfortunately you all are blind. 
And I really want to give you some sight.” 

This story from CNN is both sobering and inspiring. Thank God there are women like Razia all around the world who wake up every single morning with the singular goal of empowering women and girls to change the world for the better. May we all become a little more like her today. Eshet chayil! 

You can donate to Razia's Ray of Hope Foundation here

By the way, I've made a Women of Valor board on Pinterest...cause when it comes to food and crafts, I've got nothing.

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