Rachel Held Evans

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Carry On, Warrior

First, I want to tell you about a book. It’s written by my friend Glennon Melton, who blogs at the wildly-popular Momastery, and it’s called Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed.

I had the privilege of getting an early copy, so this is what you will see on the back of the book:

“Funny, honest, and brave, Glennon Melton joins the ranks of Anne Lamott, Sara Miles,and Barbara Brown Taylor by giving her readers a precious gift: permission--permission to doubt, permission to believe, permission to struggle, permission to laugh, permission to tell the truth, and permission to do it all imperfectly. Carry On, Warrior takes its place among the best of spiritual memoirs as the kind of book readers will want to return to again and again. It reads like a conversation with a close friend, but impacts the heart like an encounter with the divine.” - Rachel Held Evans, author of "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" and "Evolving in Monkey Town.'

In other words, I liked it. A lot.

(And it's  not just because Glennon and I share an affinity for monkeys!) ​

So I recommend you check it out.

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Second, I want to tell you about a guest post I wrote over at Momastery. It’s about what I like to think is something of the Hebrew equivalent to “Carry on Warrior”: Eshet chayil, Woman of Valor. Here’s how it starts:

Dear Monkees,
I don’t know about you, but I can’t make heads or tails out of my faith until someone puts it into poetry.
All the theology, doctrine, creeds, and confessions in the world can never explain it like Emily does. It’s “the thing with feathers / that perches in the soul / and sings the tune without the words, / and never stops at all.”
Yep. That sounds about right.
And so I shouldn’t have been surprised that when I was struggling the most to feel like a worthy woman, when I was tired and frustrated and crying out for faith, this recovering fundamentalist bumped into the Hebrew equivalent of “Carry On, Warrior,” in a 3,000-year-old poem I used to secretly hate…

If you want to read the rest, hop on over to Momastery. (There, you can also enter to win a free copy of A Year of Biblical Womanhood.) 

...But not ​before checking out Carry On, Warrior.