101 Christian Women Speakers
How NOT to use this list:
1. Please do not wait to consult this list when you begin planning your next conference! This is not intended to help you find your “token” woman. This list is intended to introduce just a small portion of the talent, wisdom, expertise, passion, and faith present among women in the church. For better or worse, Christian conferences are a reflection of the Christian culture and so ultimately, the problem isn’t that there aren’t enough women in the typical conference lineup; the problem is that people planning the conferences aren’t reading, listening to, and following women to begin with. So read these women’s books. Add their blogs to your reader. Watch the videos in the links provided. Learn about their ministries and organizations. Subscribe to their podcasts. These are scholars, activists, writers, preachers, church leaders, artists, healers, and world changers. They are already speaking; it’s time to start listening.
2. This list is not comprehensive and certainly should not be taken as such. I simply stopped after 101 names came to mind, knowing many more could have been added. This list also reflects my own limited experience, so while I strove for diversity in church tradition, ethnicity, age, and vocation/calling, I suspect it still reflects something of a white, progressive, evangelical (American) bent. If you are Methodist, I recommend making your own list of women speakers to share with leaders and influencers in your tradition. Same goes for Catholics, conservative evangelicals, academics, activists, international leaders, etc. This is just a starting point, and I hope you will add more names/descriptions in the comment section or on your own sites. The comments in this case are as important as the original post; think of them as an extension to the list - #102, #103, #104....
3. The cult of celebrity has infected the Christian culture in the U.S. in some disturbing ways. My biggest concern in making this list was that it would contribute to that problem. I urge church leaders to be truly counter-cultural by sharing their platforms not simply with the powerful and accomplished, but with those who are poor, marginalized, silenced, and left-out. And I urge conference leaders to trust that God can do more through the simple breaking of bread and drinking of wine than in all the light shows and stage productions and dynamic speakers in the world. Let’s start listening to the voices of women, certainly. But let’s start constructing more tables and fewer stages. (I recommend conference leaders consider inviting speakers from the community in which they are hosting the conference.)
How TO use this list:
1. Use this list as a starting point, and please feel free to add more names via the comment section. (If you do, please follow the general format above and include a name, description, and Web site if available.)
2. Share this list with influencers in your faith community, along with your own recommendations for women speakers. If, like me, you are already part of the speaking circuit, always have a few recommendations in mind to leave with the person who brought you in to speak.
3. Remember, this list isn’t simply for finding speakers. It’s for introducing voices already speaking through books, research, ministries, organizations, sermons, and podcasts. Use this list, and the comments below, to update your blogroll, augment your Amazon wish list, and familiarize yourself with some amazing people, organizations, and movements.
Without further ado, I present 101 Christian Women Speakers, in alphabetical order, with thanks to Katie Strandlund for helping me assemble it:
Robyn Afrik
Founder and President of Afrik Advantage LLC
Consultant on issues surrounding reconciliation/diversity, international adoption, multi-culturalism
Website: http://afrikadvantage.com/
Social Media: @afrikadvantage
Booking Information: assistant2afrik@gmail.com
Jennie Allen
Author, Blogger
Author of Stuck, Chase, Anything, and Restless
Website: http://jennieallen.com/
Social Media: @jenniesallen
Booking Information: darlene@stoneislandgroup.com
Watch: The Idea Camp: Human Care
Diana Butler Bass
Author, Blogger, Commentator, Historian, Scholar
Author of eight books, including Christianity After Religion and A People's History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story
Website: http://dianabutlerbass.com/
Social Media: @dianabutlerbass
Booking Information: bookingdiana@gmail.com
Gail Song Bantum
Pastor at Quest Church, Seattle WA
Leads identity formation retreats and music/arts team workshops
Website: http://gailsongbantum.wordpress.com
Social Media: @gailsongbantum
Booking Information: gail@seattlequest.org
Watch: "Word of Witness"
Katelyn Beaty
Managing Editor of Christianity Today
Co-founder of Her.meneutics and editorial director of This Is Our City
Website: http://christianitytoday.com/
Social Media: @KatelynBeaty
Watch: "Beyond Pink Bibles"
Amy Julia Becker
Writer, blogger
Author of author of A Good and Perfect Gift: Faith, Expectations, and a Little Girl Named Penny, and Penelope Ayers: A Memoir.
Web site: http://amyjuliabecker.com/
Booking Information: http://amyjuliabecker.com/events/
Watch: "For All People"
Sarah Bessey
Author, Blogger
Author of Jesus Feminist and Editor at A Deeper Story
Website: http://sarahbessey.com/
Social Media: @sarahbessey
Booking Information: sarah@sarahbessey.com
Nadia Bolz-Weber
Founding pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, Denver CO
Author of Salvation on the Small Screen? 24 Hours of Christian Television, Patrix: the Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint, and the Sarcastic Lutheran Blog
Website: http://nadiabolzweber.com/
Social Media: @sarcasticluther
Booking Information: http://nadiabolzweber.com/booking-inquiries
Amena Brown
Poet, Author
Author of Breaking Old Rhythms: Answering the Call of a Creative God and the spoken word CD Live at Java Monkey
Website: http://amenabrown.com
Social Media: @amenabee
Booking Information: JR Montes, email@currentmm.com
Watch: "Be The One" and Lipscomb University Chapel
Austin Channing Brown
Blogger, Racial Reconciler
Website: http://austinchanning.com/
Social Media: @austinchanning
Booking Information: http://austinchanning.com/contact-me/
Bobette Buster
Story guru, Consultant, Lecturer, Screenwriter
Author of Do Story: How to Tell Your Story So the World Listens
Website: http://bobettebuster.com/
Social Media: @bobettebuster
Watch: "The Arc of Storytelling"
Christine Caine
Pastor, Activist, Author
Co-founder of The A21 Campaign
Website: http://christinecaine.com/
Social Media: @ChristineCaine
Booking Information: http://christinecaine.com/invite.php?linkid=49
Watch: "Passion 2012"
Minerva Garza Carcaño
Bishop of the Los Angeles Episcopal Area, California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church
Website: http://cal-pac.org
Booking Information: bishopmc@cal-pac.org
Jenni Catron
Executive Director of Cross Point Church, Nashville TN
Author of Just Lead!
Web site: http://www.jennicatron.com/
Social Media: @JenniCatron
Booking Information: http://www.jennicatron.com/speaking/
Watch: Dynamic Church Conference
Noemi Chavez
Church Planter, Pastor
Co-Pastor of 7th Street Church, Long Beach CA
Website: http://7thstreetchurch.com
Social Media: @NoemiChavezLBC
Booking Information: info@7thStreetChurch.com
Julie Clawson
Author, Activist, Speaker
Author of The Hunger Games and the Gospel and Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices
Website: http://julieclawson.com
Social Media: @julieclawson
Booking Information: julieclawson@gmail.com
Christena Cleveland
Academic, Author, Preacher, Social Psychologist
Author of Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart
Website: http://christenacleveland.com/
Social Media: @CSCleve
Booking Information: http://christenacleveland.com/sayhello/
Lynn Cohick
Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, Wheaton IL
Author of Women in the World of the Earliest Christians
Website: http://wheaton.edu/Academics/Faculty/C/Lynn-Cohick
Booking Information: Lynn.Cohick@wheaton.edu
Watch: Commentary on Philippians / "Women in the Roman World"
Monica Coleman
Writer, Scholar, Activist
Author of Not Alone: Reflections on Faith and Depression, The Dinah Project: a Handbook for Congregational Response to Sexual Violence, and Making a Way Out of No Way: a Womanist Theology.
Website: http://monicaacoleman.com
Social Media: @monicaacoleman
Booking Information: http://monicaacoleman.com/contact-us/invite-monica-a-coleman-to-speak/
Watch: "Wrestling with God and Depression"
Sarah Raymond Cunningham
Author, Blogger, Consultant
Author of Portable Faith, The Well Balanced World Changer: A Field Guide to Staying Sane While Doing Good and the children’s book The Donkey in the Living Room
Website: http://sarahcunningham.org
Social Media: @sarahcunning
Booking Information: http://www.sarahcunningham.org/workwithme
Felicity Dale
Church Planter, Writer
Author of Getting Started, An Army of Ordinary People, and The Rabbit and the Elephant
Web site: SimplyChurch.com
Social Media: @felicitydale
Watch: Q&A with Felicity Dale
Lillian Daniel
Senior minister of the First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn, IL
Author of When Spiritual But Not Religious Is Not Enough
Web site: http://lilliandaniel.com
Social Media: @lillianfdaniel
Booking Information: http://www.lilliandaniel.com/Connect.html
Watch: "Spiritual But Not Religious"
Katie Davis
Founder of Amazima Ministries, reaching the people of Uganda
Author of Kisses from Katie: A Story of Relentless Love and Redemption
Website: http://kissesfromkatie.blogspot.com/
Social Media: @katieinuganda
Booking Information: thetruth@amazima.org
Watch: "Kisses From Katie" / Katie Davis Speaks
Marva Dawn
Theologian, Musician, Educator
Teaching Fellow in Spiritual Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, BC
Author of A Royal Waste of Time, Unfettered Hope and more than 20 other books
Web site: www.marvadawn.org
Booking Information: http://www.marvadawn.org/contacts
Watch: Marva Dawn at Westmont College / "Worship that Ministers to the Afflicted"
Mary DeMuth
Author, Blogger
Author of Live Uncaged, Thin Places, The Wall Around Your Heart and Everything
Website: http://marydemuth.com/
Social Media: @MaryDeMuth
Booking Information: http://christianspeakersservices.com/mary-demuth-christian-speaker-author.html
Watch: "My Story"
Elaine Howard Ecklund
Herbert S. Autrey Professor of Sociology, Director of Graduate Studies in Sociology, and Director of the Religion and Public Life Program at Rice University
Author of Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think and Korean American Evangelicals: New Models for Civic Life
Website: http://elainehowardecklund.blogs.rice.edu/
Booking Information: , Julie Aldrich, Julie.Aldrich@rice.edu
Kathy Escobar
Co-Pastor of The Refuge, Denver CO
Author of Down We Go: Living into the Wild Ways of Jesus, Co-Author of Come With Me: An Invitation to Break through the Walls between You and God and Refresh: Sharing Stories, Building Faith
Website: http://kathyescobar.com/
Social Media: @kathyescobar
Booking Information: kathy@therefugeonline.org
Watch: "Downward Mobility" / Sentralize KC 2013
Cathleen Falsani
Faith & Values columnist for the Orange County Register, Former religion writer for Chicago Sun-Times
Author of The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People, Sin Boldly: A Field Guide for Grace, and The Dude Abides: The Gospel According to the Coen Brothers
Website: http://cathleenfalsani.com/
Social Media: @godgrrl
Booking Information: Jim Chaffee, jchaffee@chaffeemanagement.com
Margaret Feinberg
Author of over two dozen books and Bible studies, including The Organic God, The Sacred Echo, Scouting the Divine and Wonderstruck
Website: http://margaretfeinberg.com/
Social Media: @mafeinberg
Booking Information: booking@margaretfeinberg.com
Watch: "Live Wonderstruck" / "Scouting the Divine"
Nicole Baker Fulgham
Founder and President of The Expectations Project
Author of Educating All God’s Children: What Christians Can--and Should--Do to Improve Public Education for Low-Income Kids
Website: http://theexpectationsproject.org/
Social Media: @nicolebfulgham
Booking Information: info@theexpectationsproject.org
Nora Gallagher
Journalist, Essayist, and Author of Moonlight Sonata at the Mayo Clinic, Things Seen and Unseen: A Year Lived in Faith, and Practicing Resurrection: A Memoir of Work, Doubt, Discernment, and Moments of Grace
Preacher-in-residence at Trinity Episcopal Church, Santa Barbara CA
Website: http://noragallagher.org
Booking Information: Elaine Trevorrow, etrevorrow@randomhouse.com
Erica Granados-De La Rosa
Scholar, Community Organizer, Spoken Word Artist
Bilingual Residential Advocate & Crisis Interventional Specialist at Denton County Friends of the Family
Website: http://ericagdlr.blogspot.com/
Booking Information: Erica.delarosa@gmail.com
Mimi Haddad
President, Christians for Biblical Equality
Web site: http://www.cbeinternational.org/
Social Media: @Mimi_CBE
Booking Information: http://www.cbeinternational.org/?q=content/leadership
Lisa Sharon Harper
Director of Mobilizatin at Sojourners
Author of Evangelical Does Not Equal Republican or Democrat and Left Right & Christ: Evangelical Faith in Politics
Website: http://sojo.net/biography/lisa-sharon-harper
Social Media: @lisasharper
Kate Harris
Executive Director of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture
Website: http://callingandconstraint.com
Booking Information: katherinecourtneyharris@gmail.com
Jen Hatmaker
Author, Blogger
Author of Ms. Understood, 7, Interrupted, Girl Talk and A Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study
Website: http://jenhatmaker.com/
Social Media: @jenhatmaker
Booking Information: Darlene Grieme, Darlene@stoneislandgroup.com
Watch: "Love Your Neighbor" / "Creating A Relational Atmosphere"
Bethany Hoang
Director of the Institute for Biblical Justice for International Justice Mission
Author of Deepening the Soul for Justice
Website: http://www.ijm.org/node/41
Social Media: @bethanyhoang
Watch: "Bethany Hoang: A Passion for Justice" / Mighty Waters Session 6
Kristen Howerton
Blogger, Columnist
Managing Editor of ShePosts, Founder of Mama Manifesto blog
Website: http://rageagainsttheminivan.com/
Social Media: @kristenhowerton
Booking Information: rageagainsttheminivan@gmail.com
Watch: "Social Media - Sucking Time or Saving Lives"
Lynne Hybels
Founder of Ten For Congo
Author of Nice Girls Don’t Change the World
Website: http://lynnehybels.blogspot.com/
Social Media: @lynnehybels
Booking Information: Brannon Anderson, brannon@lynnehybels.com
Watch: Lynne Hybels with Jenny Hwang Yang & Matthew Soerens
Susan E. Isaacs
Actor, Writer
Author of Angry Conversations With God
Website: http://susaneisaacs.com
Social Media: @susanisaacs
Booking Information: Chaffee Management, susan@thesusan.com
Watch: "Angry Conversations with God"
Carolyn Custis James
President of WhitbyForum, Founder of Synergy Women’s Network, Inc.
Author of The Gospel of Ruth: Loving God Enough to Break the RUles, Half the Church: Recapturing God’s Global Vision for Women
Website: http://whitbyforum.com
Social Media: @carolynezer
Booking Information: http://files.whitbyforum.com/booking.html
Watch: Carolyn Custis James at Gordon College Chapel
Kathy Khang
Blogger and Co-Author of More Than Serving Tea
Regional Multiethnic Ministries Director for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Website: http://morethanservingtea.wordpress.com/
Social Media: @mskathykhang
Booking Information: morethantea@gmail.com
Heather Kopp
Author, Blogger
Author of Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up with a Christian Drunk
Website: http://heatherkopp.com/
Social Media: @HeatherLKopp
Booking Information: info@hachettespeakersbureau.com
Anne Lamott
Author, Activist, Speaker
Author of Bird by Bird, Traveling Mercies, Some Assembly Required, and Help Thanks Wow.
Website: www.facebook.com/AnneLamott
Social Media: @annelamott
Booking Information: info@barclayagency.com
Helen Lee
Author of The Missional Mom
Co-Founder of Redbud Writers Guild and Best Christian Workplaces
Website: http://helenleeauthor.com
Social Media: @HelenLeeAuthor
Booking Information: http://helenleeauthor.com/speaking/
Nikole Lim
Filmaker, Photographer, Executive Director of Freely in Hope
Website: http://www.nikolelim.com/
Social Medica: @nikole_lim
Jo Anne Lyon
General Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church
Founder and CEO of World Hope International
Website: http://wesleyan.org/joannelyon
Social Media: @JoAnneLyonGS
Booking Information: lyonja@wesleyan.org
Watch: "The Spirit and the Scripture"
Rebekah Lyons
Author of Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey Toward a Life of Meaning
Co-Founder of Q Ideas
Website: http://rebekahlyons.com
Social Media: @rebekahlyons
Booking Information: http://rebekahlyons.com/speaking-and-booking/
Frederica Mathewes-Green
Eastern Orthodox author and speaker
Author of multiple books including Facing East and Gender: Men, Women, Sex and Feminism
Web site: http://www.frederica.com/
Booking information: Cynthia Damaskos of the Orthodox Speakers Bureau.
Emily Maynard
Writer at A Deeper Story, Crosswalk, and Prodigal magazine
Website: http://www.emilyisspeakingup.com/
Social Media: @emelina
Booking Information: http://emilyisspeakingup.com/speaking/
Brenda Salter McNeil
President and Founder of Salter McNeil and Associates
Teaching Pastor at Quest Church, Seattle WA
Author of A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race and The Heart of Racial Justice: How Soul Change Leads to Social Change
Website: http://www.saltermcneil.com/
Social Media: @RevDocBrenda
Booking Information: teaching@seattlequest.org
Watch: "I've Got a River of Life" / Biola University Chapel / Lausanne Movement's Cape Town 2010 Congress
Glennon Melton
Author of Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed
Website: http://momastery.com/
Social Media: @Momastery
Booking Information: http://momastery.com/blog/events-calendar/#booking
Watch: TED Talk: "Lessons From the Mental Hospital" / Glennon Melton in the Faith Forum with Chip Edens /
Carol Howard Merritt
Pastor, Author, Speaker, Podcast Host
Author of Tribal Church and Reframing Hope
Social Media: @CarolHoward
Web site: http://www.carolhowardmerritt.org/
Booking Information: http://www.carolhowardmerritt.org/speaking.html
Anne Marie Miller
Author of Mad Church Disease: Overcoming the Burnout Epidemic and Permission to Speak Freely: Essays and Art on Fear, Confession and Grace
Advocate for Compassion International and Blood:Water Mission
Website: http://annemariemiller.com
Social Media: @girlnamedanne
Booking Information: http://chaffeemanagement.com/inquire/?person=ANNE+MARIE+MILLER
Watch: Young Adult Gathering, Davenport
Sara Miles
Founder and director of The Food Pantry, Director of Ministry at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church
Author of Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead and Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion
Website: http://saramiles.net
Social Media: @SaraMilesSF
Booking Information: sara@saramiles.net
Watch: Sara Miles on her faith and background / "Feasting at a Food Pantry"
Beth Moore
Founder of Living Proof Ministries
Author of numerous books and Bible studies, including Breaking Free, Believing God, and James: Mercy Triumphs
Website: http://lproof.org/
Social Media: @BethMooreLPM
Booking Information: https://www.lproof.org/Interact/Contact/Default.aspx
Jena Lee Nardella
Founder & President of Blood:Water Mission, Visionary, Activist
Website: http://jenanardella.com
Social Media: @jenanardella
Watch: "A Thousand Wells"
Shauna Niequist
Author, Blogger
Author of Bread & Wine, Bittersweet, and Cold Tangerines
Website: http://shaunaniequist.com/
Social Media: @sniequist
Booking Information: http://www.shaunaniequist.com/connect/
Watch: Westmont College Chapel / "Cooking Club"
Kelley Nikondeha
Writer, Speaker, Justice Advocate, Adopted and Adoptive mother of 2
Web site: http://kelleynikondeha.com/
Social Media: @knikondeha
Booking Information: http://kelleynikondeha.com/contact/
Enuma Okoro
Author, Blogger, Communications Consultant
Author of The Reluctant Pilgrim, Silence, Talking Taboo and Co-Author of Common Prayer: Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals
Website: http://enumaokoro.com/
Social Media: @TweetEnuma
Booking Information: http://enumaokoro.com/contact/
Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Speaker, Blogger, Chief Storyteller for The A21 Campaign
Website: http://inthenameoflove.org/
Social Media: @bianccaolthoff
Booking Information: http:// inthenameoflove.org/contact/
Watch: Bianca Juarez Olthoff speaks at CHIC 2012 / Terminal XIV / more videos
Nancy Ortberg
Former teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington IL
Author of Looking for God and Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands: Lessons in Non-Linear Leadership
Website: http://nancyortberg.com/
Social Media: @NancyOrtberg
Watch: Nancy Ortberg at Westmont College Chapel
Jenell Williams Paris
Professor of Anthropology at Messiah College
Author of The End of Sexual Identity: Why Sex is Too Important to Define Who We Are
Website: http://home.messiah.edu/~jparis/
Booking Information: JParis@messiah.edu
Watch: Taylor University Chapel /
Julie Pierce
Coach, Consultant
Board of Advisors for Gifted for Leadership and Today’s Christian Woman magazine
Website: http://empoweredbypierce.com/
Social Media: @julie_pierce
Booking Information: http://empoweredbypierce.com/speaking/
Kara Powell
Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary
Author of Sticky Faith, Deep Justice Journeys, and the Good Sex Youth Ministry curriculum
Website: http://fulleryouthinstitute.org/
Social Media: @kpowellfyi
Booking Information: http://stickyfaith.org/forms/speaker-request
Watch: "Sticky Faith"
Kirsten Powers
Columnist, Journalis, Political Analyst
Contributor to USA Today, Newsweek, The Daily Beast, and Fox News
Website: about.me/kirstenpowers
Social Media: @kirstenpowers10
Booking Information: http://www.kepplerspeakers.com/speakers/?speaker=Kirsten%20Powers
Jan Richardson
Artist, Author, Blogger, Ordained UMC Minister, and Director of The Wellspring Studio, LLC
Author of In Wisdom’s Path, In the Sanctuary of Women, Sacred Journeys, and Night Visions
Website: http://janrichardson.com/
Social Media: @JanLRichardson
Booking Information: jan@janrichardson.com
Deidra Riggs
Blogger, Managing Editor at "The High Calling"
Website: http://deidra riggs.com/
Social Media: @DeidraRiggs
Booking Information: jumpingtandem@gmail.com
TED: "What if being safe is overrated?" / FBC Hastings
Caryn Rivadeneira
Author of Shades of Mercy: A Maine Chronicle, Known and Loved, Grumble Hallelujah, and Mama’s Got a Fake I.D.
Worship Planner at Elmhurst Christian Reformed Church
Website: http://carynrivadeneira.com
Social Media: @CarynRivadeneir
Booking Information: caryn@carynrivadeneira.com
Watch: Speaking Clip
Marilynne Robinson
Pulitzer Prize-winning Novelist, Essayist, and Recipient of the National Humanities Medal
Instructor at the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop
Website: http://us.macmillan.com/author/marilynnerobinson
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson
Writer (regular contributor to Leadership Journal & Gifted
for Leadership), Speaker, & Advocate
Focus on Mentoring, Leadership, Racial Reconciliation, &
Biblical Justice
Website and Booking Information: www.natashasrobinson.com
Blog: www.asistasjourney.com
Social Media: @asistasjourney
Watch: YouTube Channel
Alexia Salvatierra
Pastor, director of Justice Ministries for the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Website: http://www.alexiasalvatierra.com/index.html
Booking Information: http://www.alexiasalvatierra.com/contact.html
Watch: CCDA 2009 Plenary
Jackie Roese
Author of fifteen Bible studies and She Can Teach, Inhabit, ReAlign, and Beyond Me
Founder of The Marcella Project
Website: http://jackiealwaysunplugged.com/
Social Media: @MarcellaProject
Booking Information: http://www.themarcellaproject.com/contact
Watch: Sermons - "The Good Samaritan" / "Father" / "Servant King"
Jo Saxton
Director with 3DM
Equipping director at North Heights Lutheran Church, Minnesota
Author of More Than Enchanting
Web site: http://weare3dm.com/josaxton/
Social Media: @josaxton
Melanie Shankle
Author, Blogger, Speaker
Author Of Sparkly Green Earrings
Website: http://thebigmamablog.com
Social Media: @bigmama
Booking Information: amypurcell08@gmail.com
Luci Shaw
Poet, Author
Writer in Residence at Regent College, Vancouver
Website: http://lucishaw.com/
Booking Information: http://www.lucishaw.com/contact.php
Priscilla Shirer
Author, Teacher
Author of He Speaks to Me, Discerning the Voice of God, And We Are Changed, and A Jewel in His Crown
Website: http://goingbeyond.com/
Social Media: @PriscillaShirer
Booking Information: http://www.goingbeyond.com/booking
"The Patience of God" / "One in a Million" / Converge 2012
Nancy Sleeth
Managing Director of Blessed Earth
Author of Go Green, Save Green: A Simple Guide to Saving Time, Money, and God’s Green Earth and Almost Amish: One Woman’s Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life
Website: http://nancysleeth.com/
Social Media: http://facebook.com/blessedearth
Booking Information: contact@blessedearth.org
Watch: "Embrace Restraint: Preparing for Lent"
Angie Smith
Speaker, Writer, Blogger
Author of I Will Carry You, Mended, What Women Fear, and Chasing God
Web site: http://angiesmithonline.com/
Social Media: @angiesmith19
Booking Information: http://angiesmithonline.com/speaking/booking-info/
Watch: "I Will Carry You" / Mother's Day at Cross Point Church
Margot Starbuck
Writer, Editor
Author of The Girl in the Orange Dress, Permission Granted, Unsqueezed, and Small Things with Great Love
Website: http://margotstarbuck.com/
Social Media: @MargotStarbuck
Booking Information: http://www.margotstarbuck.com/speaking.htm
Becca Stevens
Founder of Thistle Farms & Magdalene
Author of nine books, including Snake Oil, Find Your Way Home, Finding Balance, and Sanctuary
Website: http://www.beccastevens.org/
Social Media: @RevBeccaStevens
Booking Information: tim@thistlefarms.org
Watch: "Love is the most powerful force for social change" / Mercer University
Bethany Stolle
Blogger, Curriculum and Interaction Designer, Social Entrepreneur
Founder of Kites and Ladders
Website: http://bethanystolle.com/
Social Media: @bethanystolle
Barbara Brown Taylor
Professor of Religion at Piedmont College, Demorest GA
Author of twelve books, including An Altar in the World, Leaving Church, The Preaching Life, and When God is Silent
Website: http://barbarabrowntaylor.com/
Watch: "The Right Answer" - The Riverside Church, NYC / Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary / A Conversation with Barbara Brown Taylor
Lysa TerKeurst
President of Proverbs 31 Ministries
Author of sixteen books, including Unglued, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God, and Made to Crave
Website: http://lysaterkeurst.com/
Social Media: @LysaTerKeurst
Booking Information: http://lysaterkeurst.com/contact/
Watch: Liberty University Convocation /
Sarah Thebarge
Writer, Blogger
Author of The Invisible Girls: A Memoir
Website: http://sarahthebarge.com/
Social Media: @sarahthebarge.com
Booking Information: jchaffee@chaffeemanagement.com
Watch: "The Invisible Girls" / Sarah Thebarge
Phyllis Tickle
Editor, Writer, Academic
Author of The Divine Hours series and The Great Emergence: How Christianity is Changing and Why
Website: http://phyllistickle.com/
Booking Information: tickrel@gmail.com
Watch: "Recovering Ancient Practices"
Alexie Torres-Fleming
Founder of Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice
Web Site: http://www.ympj.org/
Booking Information: http://emergingvoicesproject.org/alexie-torres-fleming
Watch: 2008 Jane Jacobs Medal for New Ideas and Activism Winner
Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Senior Director of Bible Justice Integration and Mobilization at International Justice Mission
Author of Partnering with the Global Church and Co-Editor of More Than Serving Tea
Website: http://www.ijm.org/node/2392
Lois Tverberg
Founder of the En-Gedi Resource Center; Writer and speaker on the Jewish context of Christianity
Author of Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus, Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus, and Listening to the Language of the Bible
Website: http://ourrabbijesus.com/
Social Media: @loistverberg
Booking Information: Tverberg@OurRabbiJesus.com
Watch: Ann Spangler & Lois Tverberg on Rabbi Jesus / "Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus"
Allison Vesterfelt
Blogger, Author
Author of Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage
Web site: http://allisonvesterfelt.com/
Social Media: @allyvest
Booking Information: http://allisonvesterfelt.com/speaking/
Ann Voskamp
Author of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are
Website: http://aholyexperience.com/
Social Media: @AnnVoskamp
Booking Information: http://www.aholyexperience.com/speaking/
Sheila Walsh
Writer, Teacher, Vocalist, Songwriter
Author of The Shelter of God’s Promises, God Loves Broken People, God’s Shelter for Your Storm, And Beautiful Things Happen When a Woman Trusts God
Website: http://sheilawalsh.com/
Social Media: @SheilaWalsh
Watch: Speaking Clip
Kay Warren
Cofounder of Saddleback Church, Author, Speaker, Advocate
Author of Author of Choose Joy and Say Yes to God
Web site: http://kaywarren.com/
Social Media: @KayWarren1
Booking Information: http://kaywarren.com/contact/
Watch: Kay Warren Videos
Carolyn Weber
Author, Speaker, Teacher
Author of Surprised by Oxford and Holy is the Day
Web site: http://www.pressingsave.com/
Social Media: @CarolynWeber
Watch: Interview with Carolyn Weber
Nish Weiseth
Writer, Blogger
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of A Deeper Story Media
Website: http://nishweiseth.com
Social Media: @NishWeiseth
Booking Information: http://nishweiseth.com/contact-1/
Lauren Winner
Historian, Author, Lecturer, Editor
Author of Girl meets God and Mudhouse Sabbath
Website: http://laurenwinner.net/
Booking Information: laurenassistant@gmail.com
Jennifer Wiseman
Director of Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion for the American Association for the Advancement of Science
Chief of the ExoPlanets and Astrophysics Laboratory at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Website: http://www.aaas.org/spp/dser/about/directors_corner/directors_corner.shtml
Social Media: @AAAS_DoSER
Booking Information: doser@aaas.org
Watch: "Exploring the Galaxies"
Jamie Wright
Former overseas missionary in Costa Rica
Website: http://theveryworstmissionary.com/
Social Media: @JamieTheVWM
Booking Information: theveryworstmissionary@gmail.com
Jenny Yang
World Relief Vice President of Advocacy and Policy
Author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion and Truth in the Immigration Debate
Website: http://worldrelief.org/page.aspx?pid=3048
Social Media: @WorldRelief
Booking Information: http://worldrelief.org/Page.aspx?pid=3055
Watch: Immigration Series
Holly Rankin Zaher
Blogger, Teacher, Coach
Website: http://about.me/happydaydeadfish
Social Media: @happydaydeadfis
Addie Zierman
Writer, Blogger
Author of When We Were On Fire: A Memoir of Consuming Faith, Tangled Love and Starting Over
Website: http://addiezierman.com/
Social Media: @addiezierman
Booking Information: addiezierman@gmail.com
List compiled by -
Rachel Held Evans
Author, Blogger
Author of Evolving in Monkey Town and A Year of Biblical Womanhood
Web site: http://rachelheldevans.com
Social Media: @RachelHeldEvans
Booking Information: Jim Chaffee, jchaffee@chaffeemanagement.com