Rachel Held Evans

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Weekend Reads + An Embarrassing Finish-the-Sentence-Friday

In between wrapping presents and trimming trees this weekend, consider taking a few minutes to check outmy interview with Jason Boyett. It was the interview that inspired readers to rise up and demand a Boyett/Evans book tour, complete with monkeys, music, and alligator-wrestling tournaments.

Those of you who appreciated Amy B.’s perspective in the comments following the last post should check out her thoughts on predestination at “A Chase After Wind.” I often try to tell myself that folks who embrace Calvinism are simply less compassionate than me, that they never struggle with the implications of their theology or worry about the plight of the non-elect. Well, Amy always ruins that line of reasoning for me! :-) She writes about her feeling surrounding predestination candidly and compassionately. Check it out.

Finally, I’m excited to announce that the church plant I’ve been hinting about over the past few months is officially a go! Our good friends Brian and Carrie Ward have moved back to Dayton to start The Mission—a missional faith community committed to loving God and loving people. To get an idea of the direction we are heading, check out Brian’s blog.

Now, finish the following sentence…if you dare.

The weirdest thing I did when I was in high school was…