Rachel Held Evans

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That's a good question...

Perhaps the most significant life lesson I’ve learned in my young adulthood is that knowing all the answers isn’t as important as asking good questions.

So for the next few weeks, I’d like to use Fridays to 1) link to other bloggers and writers who have asked compelling questions during the week and 2) open the floor for you to share whatever questions you’ve been wrestling with lately.

Some things that got me thinking this week:

Ragamuffin Soul asks, Who do you need to forgive?

Mason asks, Must our questions about God’s sovereignty and love fit into the duality of Calvinist or Arminian systems?

Peggy Noonan asks, Has the press been fair to the Catholic Church?

Jennifer Senior asks, When did the Senate become such a lonely, cynical place?

Kristin Tennant writes a beautiful post that asks, Are you looking for an emotional dumpster?

Responding to Rev. Patrick S. Cheng’s piece in the Huffington Post, Richard Beck (one of my favorite bloggers) asks, Is “hate the sin, love the sinner” biblical?” and is “hate the sin, love the sinner” psychologically possible?

Pete Wilson asks, Is being right worth the price?

Regarding self-promotion via social media, Jody Hellund asks, How much is too much?

So, what questions are you asking this week—on your blog, at your dinner table, in your head, in your heart? 

Also, I’d love to hear about what you learned/experienced during Holy Week last week. Please feel free to share.