Rachel Held Evans

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The Gospel (in 10 words) + Gay Conversion

Two stories caught my eye this week…both of which are bound to generate some comments

The Gospel (in 10 words)

The first is from a blog called Fallen and Flawed, where twelve bloggers were asked to summarize the gospel in ten words or less. I thought it was interesting to see how many of the summaries focused exclusively on Christ’s death, without mention of his resurrection or future return.  Hmmm…

Of course, a ten-word limit presents quite a challenge, especially considering the fact that “good news” requires some context to make sense and may look a little different from situation to situation, person to person.

Here’s my attempt at it:

The Gospel – “Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and return will restore the world.”

How would you summarize the gospel in ten words or less? Is such an exercise beneficial?

Reparative Therapy

Another item of interest (that may spark some controversy) is news that the American Psychological Association announced on Wednesday that it can be dangerous/destructive for mental health professionals to tell gay clients that therapy can make them straight.

After examining 83 studies on sexual orientation change conducted since 1960, the association concluded that reparative therapy can be harmful, sometimes sparking depression and suicidal tendencies.

I’ve long been suspicious of the notion that the average gay/lesbian can will himself/herself into a different sexual orientation. (I’m not saying it’s impossible, just unusual.) For gays/lesbians who see their sexual orientation as incompatible with their faith, I think celibacy is a good option that should be more seriously embraced and celebrated by the Church. (This was also a recommendation of the American Psychological Association.) As a straight person, I’ve never felt inclined to make sweeping, general statements about how individuals should deal with their sexual orientation…and to be honest, I’m still trying to sort out my thoughts on this issue.

What do you think? Can therapy make a gay person straight? Is this common? Can it be dangerous?

Please keep in mind that we are a diverse group, and that fellow readers—be they straight or gay—deserve kindness and respect.

I came close to separating these two topics, thinking that they were too unrelated (and perhaps too controversial) to put together. But, upon thinking about it, I decided that nothing is more appropriate than interrupting our comments about the debate over homosexuality with ten-word reminders of the hope of the gospel, which gives every conversation new depth and meaning.