Rachel Held Evans

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The Mutuality 2012 Synchroblog

“I'm sitting at my desk reading this response after a very busy, tiring day of work. And I have tears in my eyes. To think that I, as a woman, am equal. To think that I, as a woman, am a reflection of my Creator. To think that I, as a woman, have God-given(!) gifts to serve AND to lead. And to think that God (my Creator) and Jesus (my Savior) actually care about the all of the wounds that feel so raw, that They (and even others I've encountered here) care about justice for a woman like me. I don't know how to explain this, and please forgive me if it makes sense only to me: I feel like a woman whose dignity is being restored word by word by word in this beautiful series. And God Himself is restoring it. I feel myself literally sitting taller in my chair as I write these lines.” 

– comment from “Surviving,” in response to “Ask an Egalitarian

This has been, without a doubt, my most rewarding week of blogging.  

In response to our coordinate efforts for Mutuality 2012, I have heard from women who say they feel their dignity and worth have been restored, from multiple readers who have changed their minds about women in ministry, from couples relieved that they can finally put a name to how their relationship has functioned all along, from singles freshly inspired by the “great cloud of witnesses” that surrounds them, from  followers of Jesus whose passion for justice and equality has been renewed, from women ready to “get on with it” and stop asking permission to use their gifts and start unapologetically using them. 

(Programming note: I’ve got two more posts left in the series, which I’ll share tomorrow....Then I’m taking the rest of the week off!) 

Reading through your contributions to the Mutuality 2012 Synchroblog, I’ve experienced such a range of emotions: anger, conviction, inspiration, solidarity, encouragement, and –most of all—hope.  It was impossible to pick favorites, so I’ve included a list of all 188 official contributions at the end of the post. Below are just a few highlights to wet your whistle. Enjoy! 

Mutuality 2012 - Around the Web 

Scott Peterson with “Why I’m Not a Complementarian by One Guy Who Should Be” 

“When our roles are forcefully determined by systems which don’t treat us as individuals we are dehumanized, banished from our freedom in Christ, and stripped of our deepest sense of calling.  When we are pressed from actualizing our Holy Spirit-given gifts, we are left feeling not merely unfulfilled but caged.  If we dig deep enough, we may discover that this isn’t even an issue of gender; it is an issue of humanity.  It is an issue of whether we actually believe that Jesus has the power to tear down the walls that presume to prescribe our fate and separate us from one another...No, I could never be a complementarian.  It is too static, too simplistic, and too far removed from the kingdom that Jesus is building.”

Alise Wright with “You Don’t Have to Take Your Clothes Off to Be Egalitarian

“Why would God make me equal to my husband when we were getting it on, but not when we were getting a new car? Why would we submit to one another when we were making a baby, but not when we were making parenting decisions? Why would we be partners in the bedroom, but leader and submissive in the living room (well, unless the kids weren’t around and you know…)?”

KR Wordgazer with "What Galatians 3:28 Cannot Mean” and  “Are Women Seeking Ministry ‘Demanding Rights’?

“If being ‘in Christ’ when it comes to ‘there is not male and female’ has no practical bearing on what males and females can or can't do every day in their churches, then how can being  ‘in Christ’ have any practical bearing on what Christians do in any part of their lives?”
“...It's easy, really, if you're born into a position where you never have to shout to be heard, to fault those who do have to shout to be heard.”

Liz Myrick with “Screaming From the Pew

“So that afternoon, while he was reading in a chair in our living room, I curled up next to him and made my announcement.  ‘Daddy, guess what?  I figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  I want to be a preacher just like you.’  I remember how his face looked as he thought about his answer, like he was arranging the words in his mind before he let them out.  His pause was my first inclination that he wasn't as thrilled as I expected him to be at the announcement that I would be following in his footsteps.  When the words came out, though, they were worse than the silence.  ‘Well, honey,’ he said very slowly, ‘In most churches, women aren't allowed to be pastors.  You could be a children's director or something like that, but not a pastor.’”

Leigh Kramer with “Do Unto Singles: Suggestions for the Church” 

“It hurts when being a wife and mother is said or implied to be a woman's greatest calling. I want to get married but there's no guarantee that is in my future. It doesn't mean I cannot fulfill God's purpose for my life. I'm single and that's not a bad thing.” 

Dianna Anderson with “Of Gods and Godheads” 

“To say that patriarchal complementarian theology is modeled on the Godhead is to slant and twist an orthodox understanding of the Godhead itself. It is to place members of the Godhead into a hierarchy, when orthodox theological tradition dictates that this is not and cannot be the case.”

David W. Congdon with “Trinity, Gender, and Subordination

“It is truly a dire state of affairs within the church when Christians appeal to the doctrine of the trinity to support gender subordination.”

Micha Boyett with “What Makes a Pastor?

“In the upside down paradigm of God’s Kingdom, where the last are first and the first are last, I can’t help but believe that the sort of minister who will sit in the most coveted seat at the Great Banquet, must be the abused, divorced woman who loved little ones well, with little reward and a quiet exit. A woman who held up her hands while we gathered around, a woman who knew how to tell the Great Story, who offered us a true magic, the glowing light held bright above, who called us close to look at Jesus and see what it meant to be loved.”

Kelly Flanagan with “Marriage Is For Losers

“Many therapists aren’t crazy about doing marital therapy. It’s complicated and messy, and it often feels out of control. In the worst case scenario, the therapist has front row seats to a regularly-scheduled prize fight. But I love to do marital therapy. Why? Maybe I enjoy the work because I keep one simple principle in mind: if marriage is going to work, it needs to become a contest to see which spouse is going to lose the most, and it needs to be a race that goes down to the wire.”

Addie Zierman with “The Voice and the Echo

“Somewhere along the way, I forgot that I was not made to echo a man. I was made to echo the wild love of God.” 

Emily Hunter McGowin with “That the word of God may not be reviled: Titus 2:3-5 and Women's Proper Place

"For this reason, I think the use of Titus 2:3-5 as support for the universal prescription that all women (or at least all married women) are to be homemakers is actually a little absurd. Read in light of his cultural context, Paul is not teaching the universal, inalterable responsibilities for all women at all times. (Indeed, if it were so, surely they would have shown up in more places than Titus!) Instead,he is teaching the right way to submit to the expectations of the surrounding culture in order for the good news to be advanced. This is not uncommon for him, as you know (see especially, 1 Cor 9:19-23; 1 Cor 10:23-33; 1 Thess 4:11-12; 1 Tim 6:1), but was a hallmark of his mission work."

From Two to One with “Our marriage is based on love, not power

“...Marriage isn’t a hierarchy because marriage shouldn't be like the rest of the world's relationships; marriage isn’t about power dynamics.”

Ben Irwin with “A Letter to My Daughter

“...There will come a time, I’m sorry to say, when you’ll meet certain people who will try to steal your sense of boundless opportunity. They will tell you that some roles in life aren’t for you, simply because you’re a woman. That your gender means you have to take a backseat. That you are forever consigned to be in the audience and not on the stage. Always a follower and never a leader. They will tell you this is so because God — the same God we read about at bedtime — made it so. They will tell you that God made you inferior, subordinate, second-class. Not that they’ll use these words. (Well, they might use 'subordinate.') Instead, they’ll talk about 'complementarity' and 'submission.' But what they really mean is, your path to God runs through a man...They are wrong."

Gina M Bakkun  with “What I Want From My Brothers” 

“I want my brothers to enter my world for a moment, to understand what it's like to hear, ‘Women don't struggle with lust, pornography, masturbation.’ To understand what it's like to hear, ‘You should stay beautiful so your husband doesn't cheat on you.’ To understand what it's like to be told that I won't enjoy sex as much as men, but that my body is so intensely sexual that I must be overly-fastidious about how it's covered.  I want my brothers to understand what it's like to hear,’ “You'd be a great pastor if you weren't a woman.’”

DL Mayfield with “Women’s Work

“My mother, who is someone I can only describe as having an unquenchable thirst for God, raised me and my sisters on a steady diet of missionary biographies. The vast majority of them were about women: how they left all that they knew and any hope of a future to go and preach the good news. They were the original abolitionists, whistleblowers, labor representatives, feminists. They went to be Jesus, to the people that Jesus always went to: the ones that the powerful wanted nothing to do with. When I was young I read about strong women, wearing tight buns and buttoned-up clothing, raising hell in India, China, and Russia. I view it now as a rich legacy of service born out of racist and sexist theology: missions were one of the few places a woman could be in a place of leadership. And so the female preachers, teachers, and evangelists left the West, forsaking families and cultures that had no place for their gifts. And they brought liberation with them, wherever they went.”

Joshua Carney with “Why I’m Not Complementarian

“Power is quintessentially defined by Jesus hanging on a cross.  This is the way God expresses power in the world.  Jesus subverts our definition of power.  At the end of the day, power is not best expressed by Batman, Superman, Prince Charming or William Wallace.  Power, by Biblical standards, comes from below.  Power picks up a towel and serves.  Power chooses the less glamorous choice.  Power is not so insecure that it needs the final word.  Power does not need control.”

Rachel Strietzel with “Sheep, Shepherds, and Complementarians” 

“As he wrapped up his message, this pastor asked that we pray for our shepherds.  He asked the spiritual guides within the church to stand: ‘The elders, the deacons, the fathers, and the single mothers.’ He repeated this short list.  Around us those people stood while my heart fell.  Jason widened his eyes at me, grabbed my hand, and stayed seated next to me.  That's what solidarity looks like: My wonderful husband, sitting if I cannot stand by his side.”

 Kristen Rosser  with “Does Someone Have to Be in Charge of Your Marriage?

“Why must some Christians insist that marriage is ‘an organization,’ or should work like one? Marriage is an organic unit, a synthesis, a joining of two into one body. It is, or should be, the best kind of best-friend relationship you could ever have...The Bible teaches that two people who are married become ‘one flesh,’ not ‘one organization.’”

Lindsay Tweedle with “Stories

“I stood in the pulpit and gave my oft-practiced, now very memorized message. It was well-received and most of the people in my congregation were affirming and positive. What I remembered was the man at the front who, as soon as I began to speak, turned and walked out of the sanctuary.”

Sarah Moon with “Reclaiming Complementarianism” 

“This view that you’re either a man and all the roles that come with “manhood,” or you’re a woman and all the roles that come with “womanhood” is reductive and dehumanizing. It ignores God-given talents. It ignores the hard work that it takes to prepare for some roles. It ignores socialization. It ignores personality. It ignores personal happiness. It ignores the complexity of human beings. It puts all people, regardless of who they are, into one of two tiny boxes and calls that freedom.”

Richard Beck with “Is it Pragmatics or Power in Patriarchy?” 

"If there is no problem to fix, if patriarchy has no pragmatic function, if patriarchy is not useful, if patriarchy is an end in itself and not a means, then the exercise of power is exposed for what it truly is. Without anything to fix the powerplay is simply a powerplay, one person exercising power over another for no other reason than the desire to exercise power. If you don't need to wield power then why are you using it? And with that question we get to the rub of the matter, why the "somebody has to decide" argument has been so critical in the patriarchal worldview. This argument has made patriarchy seem useful. It is an argument that has been used to hide the powerplay by dressing it up in pragmatic clothing. Power isn't about power, it is argued, it's about making marriages work better.”

Pam Hogeweide with “My Failed Christian Marriage” 

“With a flare of fury in my gut, I threw the book across the bed­room. Thud! It hit the wall before hit­ting the floor. Jerry didn’t even flinch, obliv­i­ous to the inter­nal bat­tle rag­ing in bed next to him. Fling­ing that book across the room was like throw­ing off the strait jacket of patri­archy that I had attempted to stuff my mar­riage into all those years. My mar­riage would no longer be sub­jected to the demand­ing code of tra­di­tion­al­is­tic Chris­tian­ity. Nor would my identity. Jerry and I had a solid mar­riage. Why I hadn’t I seen it before? I was a faith­ful wife, he a faith­ful hus­band. We were com­mit­ted to one another and to our chil­dren. I was fin­ished try­ing to emu­late the ideal Chris­t­ian cou­ple, what­ever that meant. It might work for some, but Jerry and Pam had our own, cus­tomized ver­sion of what works in a mar­riage. God, I was begin­ning to real­ize, must not be as rigid about male/female rela­tion­ship­sthan we sup­pose him to be. A fresh wind of lib­erty blew into my home and mar­riage that night. I had crossed a thresh­old into a new era of mar­ried life. From that moment on, I began to enjoy the strength of my mar­riage to Jerry rather than fret­ting over its lack of patri­ar­chal propriety.”

Diana Trautwein with “Becoming Who We Are

“She enrolled in seminary when their youngest 'baby' was a senior in high school - and she was 44 years old and only two years away from being a grandmother. He said, ‘The time has come for my shirts to go to the laundry - no more ironing for you.’”

Paul A. with “A Radical Feminist Rabbi Named Jesus

 “How truly unfortunate that we have allowed the culturally conditioned words of Paul to specific churches dealing with specific problems to overshadow the tremendous feminism of Jesus himself. Not once did he tell a woman to be quiet. Not once did he demand anything less from his female followers than he did from the men. Not once did he allow cultural stereotypes to color the inherent worth he found in the women around him.”

Jessica Parks with “I’ve got your back, Deborah

“Deborah is often disregarded, despite her presence and position in Scripture demanding at least some consideration as to what it means for women in the church. She doesn’t fit the framework of complementarianism and so she is considered an anomaly, or a judgment sentence, or whatever, because she’s a woman. Because she’s in the Old Testament. Because 1 Timothy 2:12 trumps Judges 4 and 5. Because every piece has to fit together. Because, because, because....Read the text of Judges 4 and 5. There is nothing there to condemn her. And if the Scriptures don’t condemn her, then I certainly won’t.”

Amanda Peterson with “I Hear of Women Rising” 

“I ached for the woman around me to know the same power in themselves, and I wept whenever I saw the Church as the author of these depowering acts--shunning women who got pregnant out of wedlock, instructing women to submit to their abusive husbands, forcing women to fall inline with cultural traditions that promoted men in value and lessened women in theirs.”

Jenny Rae Armstrong with “Making Space for the Feminine Voice

“'It is not good for man to be alone,' and I believe that holds true for every aspect of human existence, not just our personal relationships.Women have an incredible wealth of wisdom, insight, and parallel perspectives to offer the world. There are treasures to be mined in Scripture that female eyes can spot much more readily than male’s, deep, untapped veins of gold still waiting to be unearthed. There are solutions apparent to third-world mothers that male heads of state would never think of. A healthy shot in the arm of female influence would inoculate our world against a whole host of devastating social diseases.”

Leslie Keeney with “Why Women Shouldn't Give Up on the ETS

“...Women are such a rarity at ETS that many people will assume that any woman they meet is the spouse of an attendee and they will ask her where her husband teaches.”

Amy Lepine Peterson with “Culture and context in Corinthians

"Paul is concerned with order in worship. The prophets are told to speak one at a time, or to be silent. The speakers in tongues are told to be silent unless there is an interpreter. And the women are told not to chat in church, but to save their questions for later.  Paul, whose friendship with and respect for women like Junia, Phoebe, and Priscilla is well-documented, is not teaching that women must always be silent in the church. Instead, women leaders are to lead appropriately, and women in the congregation are to participate appropriately, all for the building up of the Body.   Understanding the cultural context is vital. You can tell those teenagers in the balcony to put away their cellphones and stop giggling - to be silent in church! - but that woman on the mic? Let her speak."

Carlynn Jurica  with “A Letter to Christian Girls” 

“So, my darlings, never ever let any man tell you that women are not as strong, brave, or capable of handling crises as men. It’s simply not true.”

Brian LePort with “Complementarianism is Not Counter-Culture

“Egalitarianism remains counter-cultural. Patriarchy reflects the world’s ways....Most of the world and most of human history has been oppressive to women, even Christians in the name of ‘headship.’ So let’s ditch the silly argument that the complementarians are standing their ground against a corrupt culture. They look more far more like the world in this regard.”

Kristen Nielsen with “May I introduce logic to emotions?

“‘But you can’t do that.’  I turned and stared at the boy who had uttered those words. I was seventeen and working at a Christian summer camp in Southern New Jersey. That fall, I was headed to university to learn how to love students better and was telling my fellow co-workers that I wanted to preach in the all-camp final service. With sunblock dripping in my eyes and confusion clouding my soul, I replied ‘why?’ ‘Because you’re a girl. Girls teaching men is a sin. Everyone knows that.’ And with those simple words I would never forget, boundaries were placed upon my previous understanding of a boundless God.”

Tell Me Why the World is Weird with “As a woman, I will read Esther on my own terms, thank you very much

“Every Christian studies Jesus and Paul and David, but only women study Esther and Ruth.  What's with that?  If they're really such good role models, aren't they good for both men and women?...You know what I want to see?  A women's conference whose advertising flier has a picture of a dragon.  Because dude, I want to fight dragons.  If your women's bible study or Christian conference even marginally associates itself with dragons, SIGN ME UP!”

Micky De Witt with “Fathers and Daughters 

“The problem is that I am a girl. I am told that I can’t be just like my dad. Why? Because my dad is a leader. My dad is a pastor. My dad teaches men and women. And in the Bible, there is this one verse…”

Megan Clapp with “The Closest Neighbor

“I introduce myself as Pastor Megan, (everyone on staff goes by their title and first name), and yet I have been called 'little girl' and 'young lady' more times than I can count.”

Brice Ezell  with “You Can, But You Shouldn't: An Interesting Bit of Complementarian Logic” 

"While complementarians hold that it would be wrong or improper for a woman to teach in a church setting, I have heard of very few, if any, who would say women are physically incapable of doing so. That is, if a highly educated woman, say she had a PhD Biblical theology, were to prepare a highly detailed and engaging sermon that led to conclusions the congregation already agreed with, I doubt most complementarians would say that she is wrong. Rather, they would say she is usurping the natural order of hierarchy...But this is a truly befuddling situation: we don't doubt that the woman can do this as well as a man could, but we somehow think she is wrong in doing so. How can this be the case?"

Lyndsey Graves with “For You Are All Sons of God” 

“I just can’t argue anymore. What I intend to do instead is to take my theology degree, and earn more theology degrees. I will learn, read, and pray very hard about God and the church and this gorgeous broken world...And then I intend to read, think, write, and teach with such violent passion, such excellence, that the argument is moot, and I will do so as a woman who wants, even needs, her theology to be logical but also beautiful, relational, mysterious in ways that few men have ever written it to other men. We theologians have the task of re-understanding, reframing the truth again and again, and I plan to do it through my own frame, and to do it so well that the seminary presidents who refuse to hire my sisters and I will know they have made a mistake.”

Sarah Bessey with “In which you are loved and you are free

“Let me remind you: you are loved. And you are free.  I say, let them bicker. Let them make up the rules, we don’t abide by them. Let them add and add and add to the millstone around their own poor neck. You, you are called to freedom, you are called to wholeness, you are called to love and mercy and justice, you are called to the better way, and it will not be taken from you. Gently loosen that millstone from their neck, if you can, whisper the rumours of freedom to the north, but don’t get so roped up in the entanglements of limits and the weight of apologetics that you forget that you are already free.”

Mutuality 2012 - All Submissions 

Transformed Women, Christ, and Soft Patriarchy
by Erin Thomas

An Alternative Church Doctrine Statement
by Jessica Cheetham

Un-silencing Eve
by Suzannah Paul

We Are All Needed
by Kris Shiplet

Marriage Is For Losers
by Kelly Flanagan

The Dance of Mutuality in Ephesians 5
by Harriet Congdon

God, In Search of a Uterus
by Larry Shallenberger

"Of Religious Watch Dogs and Rules"
by Cheryl Lawrence

Week of Mutuality
by Brad Duncan

women in ministry - i'm over it
by Tony

What Makes a Pastor? Or Linda Horne and the Great Mystery 
by Micha Boyett

How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership
by Kelly J Youngblood

Who's The Boss: Two Views on Marriage
by Chris Lautsbaugh

"A Good Man Is Hard to Find"
by Jessica Goudeau

Fathers and Daughters
by Micky

Starting Points
by Mark Baker-Wright

Submission of the Equal
by Russell Purvis

"That the word of God may not be reviled": Titus 2:3-5 and Women's Proper Place
by Emily Hunter McGowin

On Mutuality: Day One
by Trace James

Why I Submit to My Husband
by from two to one

Our marriage is based on love, not power.
by from two to one

As a woman, I will read Esther on my own terms, thank you very much
by perfectnumber628

by Erin Thomas

A Syncroblog for RHE on Mutuality: Day One
by Trace James

by Kari Baumann

Where's the Line? A Personal Narrative toward Gender Equality
by DC Cramer

faith-filled & feminist | theology, poetry, ministry, activism
by suzannah paul

What Does a Christian Egalitarian Marriage Look Like?
by Kristen (KR Wordgazer)

What Galatians 3:28 Cannot Mean
by Kristen (KR Wordgazer)

Are Women Seeking Ministry "Demanding Rights"?
by Kristen (KR Wordgazer)

Turning the Tables
by Kristen (KR Wordgazer)

Of Course She Can! (Theoretically): Gender in the Egalitarian Church
by Sarah Starrenburg

Revolutionary Subordination
by Travis Mamone

You Don't Have to Take Your Clothes Off to be Egalitarian
by Alise D. Wright

A Wife, a Mom, and So Much More
by Kelly J Youngblood

The Echo and the Voice
by Addie Zierman

Letter to my daughter
by Ben Irwin

What I Want From My Brothers
by Gina M Bakkun

Sister, Where Art Thou?
by Greta Cornish

Women's Work
by DL Mayfield

the Eucharist, the great equalizer
by Preston Yancey

What would happen if I didn't submit to my husband?
by Amy Mitchell

Why I'm Not Complementarian
by Joshua Carney

1 Corinthians 14: Orderly participation or silenced women?
by Marshall Janzen

Submission and Respect from Husbands – 1 Peter 3:7-8
by Margaret Mowczko

The Legacy of Dr. David M. Scholer
by Mark Baker-Wright

Genesis 3:16 Analyzed by Don Johnson
by Don Johnson

Does Someone Have to Be in Charge of Your Marriage?
by Kristen Rosser

Is Patriarchy More Beautiful than Egalitarianism?
by Jonalyn Fincher

Shacking up with Mutuality
by John Stonecypher

Complementary But Equal: Women in Orthodoxy
by Andrew Tatusko

Why God is Profoundly Egalitarian and Why we Need more Female Clergy
by Anita Mathias

Wives, submit to your husbands in everything, and other embarrassing Paulisms
by Anita Mathias

An Egalitarian Re-Learns Submission 
by Rachel Strietzel

Sheep, Shepherds, and Complementarians
by Rachel Strietzel

A Synchroblog for RHE on Mutuality: Day Two
by Trace James

my journey towards mutuality
by Amy Lepine Peterson

You Can, But You Shouldn't: An Interesting Bit of Complementarian Logic
by Brice Ezell

Whispering a Bit Louder
by Micky

Church Plant Journal #2: Denomination, Peace, & Women in Ministry (#mutuality2012)
by Kurt Willems

Mutuality & Biblical Equality: A Remedial Case Study
by Mark Grace

Women's Speaking Justified
by Rosemary Zimmermann

S is for "Submission"
by David Warkentin

What Happened When He Wouldn't Rescue Me: an Idealist Looks at Mutuality
by Jenn LeBow

Christ as Feminist Leader
by Jade McDaniel

What Does It Mean to "Submit" In Marriage?
by Kevin Scott

Should Men Be Submissive to their Wives?
by Kevin Scott

by Lindsay Tweedle

For you are all sons of God
by Lyndsey Graves

Reclaiming Complementarianism
by Sarah Moon

Walk as He walked
by Heather Harris

A Marriage Manifesto - part 1 of 2
by Smoochagator

A Marriage Manifesto - part 2 of 2
by Smoochagator

Week of Mutuality: Uniquely Equal
by Leanne Penny

Is it Pragmatics or Power in Patriarchy?
by Richard Beck

How I came to preach a sermon about how I have no business preaching sermons
by Katherine Willis Pershey

When the Church Treats Women as Less than Fully Human
by Danielle LoVallo Vermeer

Do Unto Singles: Suggestions for the Church
by Leigh Kramer

A Radical Feminist Rabbi Named Jesus
by Paul A.

I am not a man, and neither is God!
by Kate Hanch

You can't have a ballroom dance in a mosh pit
by Heretic Husband

What is Courage?
by Micky

Reality: The Problem of Complementarianism
by Sonja Lund

On Being a Woman Pastor
by Joanna Harader

Reflections of a Flawed Egalitarian
by Andrew

I hate when sexism is actually practical
by perfectnumber628

All Translation is Interpretation
by Mark Baker-Wright

Why should UK Christians care about mutuality?
by Hannah Mudge

The Dichotomy That Chose Me
by Stephanie Nelson

Why I Voted To Obey
by Laura Ziesel

Power and Submission in a Cross-Shaped Marriage
by Shane Alexander

I was an Egalitarian and didn't even know it
by Rachel Spies

A letter to Christian girls
by Carlynn Jurica

Hey Boy
by Wendy Scoggins

Important Women in the Bible (and In Ministry!!!)
by Russell Purvis

What’s In A Roll (or Role)
by Russell Purvis

Scriptural Feminism
by Russell Purvis

by Russell Purvis

Bipolar Paul? (Which View is He Taking?)
by Russell Purvis

No Girls Allowed?
by Russell Purvis

The Context In Which It Doesn't Matter
by Matthew Shedd

Hitman, Roger Ebert and Myself: Case Studies in the Gender Wars
by Robert A. Bell

Women in Ministry - First Century and Today
by Howard Pepper

A Synchroblog for RHE On Mutuality 2012, Days Three-Five
by Trace James

To the Elders & Leaders of X Church, Fellow Believers in Christ
by Melody Harrison Hanson

Why Equality Matters
by Elizabeth Gregory Brown

I've Got Your Back, Deborah
by Jessica Parks

The Woman Pastor
by Jennifer Hackbarth

In which you are loved and you are free
by Sarah Bessey

by Sarah Bost-Askins

Paul's Personal Greetings to Women Ministers
by Margaret Mowczko

I Hear of Women Rising
by Amanda Peterson

Maybe women shouldn't lead churches
by Danny Webster

An E-mail Conversation with Pastor Complementarian
by Kelly J Youngblood

The Church Shopping Saga Continues: Does the Church Affirm Women in Leadership?
by Kelly J Youngblood

Making Space for the Feminine Voice
by Jenny Rae Armstrong

A Message To My Girls About Being A Woman
by Sheri Ellwood

A Letter to My Fellow Female Christ-Followers
by Allison Buzard

Mutual Obedience
by David Ozab

Why I think I have no "other half"
by Eric Snider

In Defense of Strong Women
by Caris Adel

Are Men the Only Leaders?
by Holli McCormick

Headship vs. Synergiship
by Holli McCormick

culture and context in Corinthians
by Amy Lepine Peterson

A Sisterhood of Ministers
by Sisterlisa

Gender in the Church: Solving for the Values of X and Y
by Kristin Richardson

The Importance of Sharing Stories
by Mark Baker-Wright

Hello. I'm a woman. And I'm a minister
by Christine Hand Jones

Heads or Tails?
by Rebecca Trotter

The Closest Neighbor
by Megan Clapp

Marriage Changed my View of Marriage
by Erin Adams

“Who Submits If You’re Gay?” Why Homosexuality Scares Some Religious Conservatives
by Casey Pick

More Than Equals: Women, Men, and the Bible
by RodtRDH

Forgotten Women In Church History: Marcella of Rome
by Kristen (KR Wordgazer)

What about unity?
by Lindsay Southern

What sheep thinks about Women Bishops
by Nick Morgan

Week of mutuality has roots in the 1970s evangelical left
by David Swartz

1 Timothy 2:11-12 — Plato and Paul, Teaching Against Loud Men and Women
by J. K. Gayle

Did the Early Church Agree on Women Leaders?
by Shawna R. B. Atteberry

Shackles Shook
by Kimberley Dawn

My Failed Christian Marriage
by Pam Hogeweide

I'm a minister...and a minister's wife
by Erin Collier

Fun-House Theology
by Paula Fether

Evangelical feminism, the 1970s evangelical left, and one couple’s journey toward mutuality
by David Swartz

Building Our Houses on The Sands of Inequality
by Matt Crosslin

Pondering Mutuality/Egalitarianism
by Amanda @Wandering On Purpose

Joseph, can you take a message for your wife?
by Elizabeth Knox

Women Preach, Men Do VBS
by Jennifer Luitwieler

I don't understand 'complementarianism'
by Brambonius

The Trinity and equality
by Graham Rutter

We need mutuality
by Carlynn Jurica

Top Ten Reasons Why Men Should Not Be Ordained
by Mark Baker-Wright

Screaming from the Pew
by Liz Myrick

Book Review: The Resignation of Eve, Part 3 - Submission
by D.L. Webster

A different conversation
by Janet Davis

Words From the Bridge
by Jenn LeBow

Becoming Who We Are
by Diana Trautwein

Maternal Mortality, Birth Control, and What God Desires
by Rachel Marie Stone

Dear Me in 20 Years...
by Erin Thomas

5 verbs each for equality 
by kathy escobar

Why Women Shouldn't Give Up on the ETS
by Leslie Keeney

The two sides of Adam
by Marshall Janzen

Complementarianism is not "counter-culture."
by Brian LePort

Of Gods and Godheads
by Dianna

may I introduce logic to emotions?
by Kristen Nielsen

Acts of Confession Part 2: Gender equality and the Minister's wife
by Hannah Starkey

The Egalitarian and Complementarian Divide
by Allison

Why I Am Egalitarian
by Jonathan Aigner

Is the feminist issue really a slippery slope? 
by Bethany Sundstrom

#1 enemy of Mutuality
by Rachael Robeson

Why I'm Not a Complementarian: By One Guy Who Should Be
by Scott Peterson

Encouraging Women to Attend This Year's ETS Part 1
by Amanda MacInnis

"Counter-cultural" isn't enough
by Jon Rogers

Slaves, Women & Homosexuals: How the Bible Supports Mutuality
by Renea McKenzie

Gender in the Church: Step Out of Line, Ladies
by Kristin Richardson

Man Vs. Wife - How we resolved our differing views on our roles in marriage
by Stephanie Pease

What IS God's dream for his world?
by Carolyn Arends

The Profound Tragety of Titanic Virtue
by James

The Community of Acts 4:32-35: An Inspiration for Equality Today
by Trevar J Simmons

Female Modesty, Sexuality and Autonomy: The Conversation Christians Need to Have
by Emily Leedham

Embracing Mutual Submission: A Study in Humility
by Rachel Leonard

"Who are you?"
by Elizabeth Korver-Glenn

When Men Rule
by Jason Dye

Egali-Comple-What?: A Post on Mutuality
by Annie W.

What I love about Egalitarians and why am not one
by Gabriel Stice

Melania the Elder
by Suzanne McCarthy

Hierarchy: what is it good for?
by Pam Elmore