Rachel Held Evans

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Pastors Respond

​So yesterday’s post struck nerve—not because it was exceptionally good or profound, but because it seems to have started a conversation that people desperately want to have, especially pastors.

My inbox was flooded with heartbreaking stories from clergy members who said they tried to be honest with their congregations, only to face dire financial, emotional, and relational consequences. Many said that they long for the kind of congregation I describe, but they’ve never found it; they’re not even sure it exists.

So rather than writing my own follow-up today, I’d like to point you in the direction of pastor Adam McHugh’s blog, where he wrote a great response entitled, "Pastors and Honesty". (His book, Introverts in the Church, is one I recommend so often I think he owes me a portion of the royalties.) I especially liked Adam's response because it included some practical advice for how to be a better congregation. So check that out. 

Also, if you’re a pastor, be sure to look into the  Epic Fail Conference. Clearly, a safe environment in which to share disappointments, failures, challenges, and ideas is really needed. 

And if you’ve written your own response to yesterday’s post, feel free to use the comment section to share a link.