Rachel Held Evans

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Sunday Superlatives 2/6/11

"Her husband is respected at the city gate..." (Proverbs 31:23)


Best Headline:
The Onion with “Gap Between Rich and Poor Named 8th Wonder of the World”

Most Likely To Evoke a Cheer: 
Caryn Rivadeneira at Her.meneutics with “When Gender-Based Parenting Goes Too Far”
“If only men are oriented to transform this world, women are in trouble, because a woman who is being ‘good’ and eating healthy, hoping that the world changes for the better as it twirls around her, isn’t living the gospel.” 

Most Likely To Evoke a Groan: 
Al Mohler with “Creation vs. Evolution – The New Shape of the Debate” 
Nothing new about it. Mohler continues to issue his ultimatum -  reject science or reject your faith, because you can’t have both.

Funniest Video:
What is the Internet?

Best Conversation-Starter:
Kristin Tennant with “Why I Care About Divorce Stories, Not Statistics”

Most Relevant to Recent Conversations Here:
Jennifer Fulwiler with “Explore Your Doubts, But Do So In Peace”

Best Question:  
Jason Boyett with “What’s your favorite sentence?”

and Justin Topp with “If you could discuss one topic and one topic alone in a course on science and religion (other than evolution vs/and creation), what would you choose and why?”

Best Tips:
Jill Savage with “Five Strategies that Make It Easier to Say No” (over at Mike Hyatt’s Blog)

Craziest Super Bowl Idea: 
Serious Eats with The Edible Stadium  


Best Moment from the Project: 
Praising Dan at the city gate in accordance with Proverbs 31:23 (see above)

Worst Moment from the Project:
Realizing that the Proverbs 31 Woman was responsible for my first full-fledged skin breakout since high school.  (Note: I’m hoping to have everything ready for the auction next week, so keep an eye out.)

Books I got in the mail:
One.Life by Scot McKnight
Can’t wait to dig into this one!

After Shock by Kent Annan
I received an advanced review copy of this book and absolutely loved it. You can read my review for Patheoshere.  

On the Blog…

Most Popular Post (68 comments, 137 Facebook shares, and 36 tweets): 
7 Reasons There Are No Women Speaking at Your Conference

Most Popular Comment (with 8 likes):
Ekoueleos (in response to “What Triggers Your Doubts?”) with “I'd have to say that mainly what produces doubt in my life, sadly, are Christians where I live in general, our inactivity and hatred. We don't care about those who are in need and hurting. We turn our backs at those in need... And we hurt those we don't understand--out of fear of what they are or could be. We label and abuse those who are different from ourselves instead of approaching them with the love of Christ and accepting them as they are. I often wonder how God can allow this group of people to claim to represent him. Why doesn't he convict them? And then there's the bad in the world... How can God allow little girls to be sold into the sex trade, to be raped every night? How can he allow babies to be born with AIDS, to die without a chance at life? How can he watch in silence each night as a husband beats his wife and children? Why doesn't he intervene when those we love most kill themselves? Can he honestly send to hell someone with mental illness who is tormented inside each day and, finally, when he can no longer take it, kills himself? Why didn't he hear his cries? Why didn't he help him? …”

Most Cited “Doubt Triggers”: 
1. Personal experience 
2. Evil/chaos in the world 
3. The Bible 

Best Web Master in the Whole Wide World: 
Dan Evans – who updated the site to give it this sleek new design!

Got any superlatives to share? What was your most popular post this week? 

And how do you like the new design?