Did the New Testament authors know they were writing scripture? April 23, 2012 Category Bible Tag Bible
Review: Bob Goff and the Virtue of Whimsy (Enter to win a free book!) April 20, 2012 Category Book Reviews Tag books
Taking the Bible seriously means embracing its tension and complexity March 05, 2012 Category Bible Tag Bible
Is there a difference between a 'Christian worldview' and a 'biblical worldview'? February 13, 2012 Category Bible Tag Bible
God Hates Cretans? (and other passages of Scripture we’d rather not talk about) February 06, 2012 Category Bible Tag Bible
I Could Have Used This Book Twelve Years Ago: A Review of “The Evolution of Adam” by Peter Enns February 01, 2012 Category Book Reviews Tags faith theology evolution science Bible
“Honesty above propriety” - Jim LePage takes a new look at the Bible January 04, 2012 Category Bible Tags interviews Bible