Photo by Matthew Paul Turner
"Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story" - Psalm 107:2
I am not a supporting character in a story that a man is writing.
My story is more interesting than that.
I am not defined by my sexuality, my past, my marital status, or my body.
My story is more interesting than that.
I have not cried into my pillow waiting for someone else to give me purpose and direction in life.
My story is more interesting than that.
I do not fit into the passive and predictable roles that well-meaning Christians have prescribed for me.
My story is more interesting than that.
I am part of a better story—one that transcends race, gender, nationality, socio-economic status, family and creed.
I am part of a story written by those who are single, married, celibate, gay, young, old, male, female, rich, poor, powerful, and weak.
I am part of a story that is bigger than a role, bigger than a romance, bigger than my life.
I am part of the story of God using ordinary, broken people to restore and redeem this world.
My story isn’t “happening to me.”
It is much more interesting than that.
With God's help, I am writing it.
I wrote this post in response to Donald Miller’s series on living better love stories (Part 1, Part 2). I’m a big fan of Don’s, so I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one and assuming he simply overstated his case. Still, I cannot agree with his statement that men write the stories that “happen to” women. This just isn't the case in my life or in the lives of so many women I love and admire. Furthermore, I am concerned by the fact that Don defines worthy men by their character and worthy women by their sexuality (specifically, their “slutty” pasts). I suspect that if given the chance to clarify, Don would add some more nuance and depth to his position.
What was your response to the series? Are people overreacting? (Please be respectful in your critique.)
And what’s your story?

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