It's back! The second Epic Fail Pastors Conference is scheduled for March 22-24, 2012.
I’m a fan of this conference for a couple of reasons:
1. When I wrote a post entitled “Dear Pastors – Tell Us the Truth,” I was overwhelmed with responses from pastors who felt that the Church was no place to openly discuss their fears, their failures, their hopes, and their dreams. This conference creates a safe place for those sort of conversations to happen.
2. Having been a part of a church plant that dissolved, I know first-hand what it feels like to fail...and to need a community of people with which to honestly struggle through that failure without fear of judgment.
We live in a culture that holds up celebrity pastors as the ideal: Big numbers. Big personalities. Big egos.
If that’s your thing, this conference probably won’t be for you. But if you’re looking for something else, please know that, in the words of JR Briggs, “you are not alone. There are other broken ragamuffins trying to love and serve Jesus.”
The other day, my former pastor called me up and said, "Hey, wanna try and do something really big that will probably fail again?"
I love that he's not afraid to use the f-word!
Check out the Epic Fail Web site.

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