Roger Olson calls himself a post-conservative evangelical, and in this podcast interview with Homebrewed Christianity, he explains why he hasn’t given up on evangelicalism.
Considering our recent conversation about the future of evangelicalism and my generations’ discomfort with that label, I thought you’d be interested in his remarks. What’s more, Olson touches on just about every topic that’s been keeping me up at night over the past ten years, and does so in a way that makes me think “If this guy’s an evangelical , then maybe I am too.”
Within about an hour, Olson talks about:
- What Calvinists misunderstand about Arminianism
- What many Arminians misunderstand about Arminianism
- The future of evangelicalism
- The advantages and disadvantages of labels
- The missional church
- Neo-fundamentalism
- Open Theism
- Homosexuality
- Atonement (I loved what he said about the meaning of the cross)
- The Gospel
- NT Wright
- The unfinished work of theology
Books by Olson include:
Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities
How To Be Evangelical Without Being Conservative
The Story of Christian Theology
Questions To All Your Answers
Kudos to my friends Tripp Fuller and Bo Sanders for scoring the interview and asking some great questions.
So who else comes to mind as an evangelical you admire?
And if you took the time to listen—What did you think about the interview?

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