For the next few weeks I’ll be pulling quotes from Evolving in Monkey Town to discuss here on the blog. Today’s excerpts come from Chapter 1, entitled “The Best Christian Attitude Award.”
People sometimes ask me when I became a Christian, and that’s a hard question to answer because I’m pretty sure that by the time I asked Jesus into my heart, he’d already been living there for a while. I was just five years old at the time, a compact little person with pigtails sticking out of my head like corn tassels, and I remember thinking it strange that someone as important as Jesus would need an invitation. Strange now is the fact that before I lost my first tooth or learned to ride a bike or graduated from kindergarten, I committed my life to a man who asked his followers to love their enemies, to give without expecting anything in return, and to face public execution if necessary. It is perhaps an unfair thing to ask of a child, but few who decide to follow Jesus know from the beginning what they’re getting themselves into.
So, when did you become a Christian? What was your conversion experience like? Did you know what you were getting into?

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