So recently I’ve been bumping into a lot of old friends on what was once a lonely and frightening path away from religious certainty. While most of us share a common starting point, we are often headed in different directions. I’ve talked with some who have given up on faith altogether, others who have shifted allegiance to another religious tradition, and a lot who (like me) are still a little uncertain about which road to take next. We’re an eclectic troupe of misfits, doubters, and explorers…and I’m delighted to have the company.
My hope is that this blog serves as a safe place for fellow travelers to stop and take a breather, to perhaps share a few stories and exchange some traveling tips. As I continue to work on my book and plan for future posts, I’d love to hear from you.
In what ways has your faith changed over the years? What life experiences triggered these changes? Have you encountered any life-changing books or influential people along the way? Have you found a religious denomination or tradition that feels like home? What sort of issues/ideas would you like to see addressed more often on the blog?
If you are a blogger yourself, you may want to take the opportunity to invite us to your site.
If you’re uncomfortable posting your ideas publically, (or if there’s simply not enough room to tell your story), feel free to correspond via the “contact” feature on the blog. I’m more interested in making connections and building relationships than racking up a bunch of comments here.
T.S. Elliot wrote, “We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”
Sometimes I feel like the harder and faster I run away from Christianity, the closer I get to something that resembles the gospel of Jesus.
The other day a friend asked me if I’d “gotten over” my faith crisis, if I was done asking all those obnoxious questions. All I knew to say was, “Well, I certainly hope not.”
Keep exploring, friends!

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