Our interview series continues today with Scott Sabin, an environmentalist.
Scott is the Executive Director of Plant With Purpose (formerly Floresta), a Christian nonprofit organization that reverses deforestation and poverty by transforming the lives of the rural poor in six countries. He is the author of the recent book, Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God’s People.
Plant With Purpose began work in the Dominican Republic 27 years ago after recognizing the connection between deforestation and rural poverty, and has responded by developing a holistic program of watershed restoration, sustainable agriculture, microfinance, and Christian discipleship. As a result of ongoing work in over 250 communities, 7.5 million trees have been planted, thousands of life-changing loans have been made and both land and lives have been restored to fruitfulness and productivity.
Scott has directed the organization since 1995, overseeing its expansion into Haiti, Mexico, Tanzania, Burundi and Thailand. A member of the 58 Alliance, Plant With Purpose is featured this month in the58:Global Impact Tour (live58.org), coinciding with Earth Day.
Scott and his wife Nancy, a Nurse Practitioner, live in San Diego with their two children Amanda (11) and Daniel (8).
You know the drill: If you have a question for Scott, leave it in the comment section. At the end of the day, I’ll pick the top seven or eight questions and send them to him. We'll post his response next week. Be sure to take advantage of the “like” feature so that we can get a sense of what questions are of most interest to readers. Please remember the point of our interview series is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
(You can check out the rest of the interview series—which includes an atheist, a Muslim, a Mormon, a humanitarian, a pacifist, an evolutionary creationist, a Catholic, an Orthodox Jew, a gay Christian, a Christian libertarian, a Mennonite, a pacifist, a Pentecostal, and more—here.)

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