I finally finished my book!
A Year of Biblical Womanhood is scheduled to release in the fall of 2012 with Thomas Nelson, and I am currently adjusting to the strange sensation of having a life again. (Remind me of what a "double date" is again?)
Thank you so much for your support and patience. I know I’ve been a little quiet on the blogosphere lately, but next week I’ll be jumping right back into the daily blogging schedule.
Despite my preoccupation with living biblically, it's been a successful year of blogging, thanks to you. Here are the obligatory 11 most popular posts of 2011 (in no particular order):
1. Ask a Gay Christian
2. Ask an Atheist
3. Mark Driscoll is a bully. Stand up to him.
4. Blessed are the Un-cool
5. The Rally to Restore Unity
6. The Future of Evangelicalism: A Twenty-Something’s Perspective
7. An Interview with Rob Bell
8. Thou Shalt Not Let Thyself Go?
9. Dear Pastors, Tell Us the Truth
10. Complementarians Are Selective Too
11. Afraid of Motherhood...
In 2012, I’m planning to bring back the popular “Ask a...” series, hopefully beginning with “Ask a Muslim...”. We’ll also return to Sunday Superlatives and Saturday guest posts. I’ve got several book reviews lined up, including a review of Mark Driscoll’s new book, Real Marriage.
In addition, I’d like to start a new series on “Women of Valor,” in which we feature women of faith who are changing the world. I’m also working on series related to the Bible, contemplative spirituality, justice(specifically women’s equality, adoption, and fair trade), the gospel, and my ongoing search for a church “home.” Once we get closer to the release of A Year of Biblical Womanhood, I’ll be posting photos and posts and (possibly) excerpts related to that.
My overall goal for this year of blogging is to make the blog a better resource for readers. About midway through last year, it suddenly dawned on me that it’s not my job to generated seven days of content for readers all on my own, but that, in addition to posting my own thoughts, I can use my blogging platform to feature news stories, links, interviews, discussions, guest posts, and videos that would be of interest to you!
So this year look for more interviews, more roundtables, more discussions, more links, more voices, and more content.
With that in mind, my big question for you is—what do you want?
What topics would you like to see addressed on the blog? What do you think is missing from the religious blogosphere? What will be the BIG ISSUES of 2012?
And specifically, who would you like to see interviewed? Who should be featured in the “Ask a...” series? Who should be featured as a woman of valor?
Let me know whatever’s on your mind! I’ll be entering your responses into a list of post ideas.

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