Check out Scot McKnight’s Jesus Creed blog for some interesting thoughts on Bill Arnold’s new commentary on the book of Genesis. The post is definitely relevant to some of our recent conversations here.
Several of our friends have recently launched new blogs of their own. Adele (known here as Existential Punk) added to her online repertoire a blog called "Queermergent," which she describes as “an Emergent safehouse for the LGBTQ community and all interested people seeking understanding.” I’m impressed with how much interest the site has garnered in such a short time.
Our friend John from Canada has a really unique blog called “If,” which you really have to see to understand. I was recently introduced to Jon, who has a cool blog called “Deconstructing the Monkey,” which obviously has a few things in common with mine. And If you ever feel you need to vent a bit, Travis (who makes regular appearances in the comment section here on “Monkey Town”) and his friend Scott have started a blog called "Disturbed Christians."
These are just some of the new ones. A lot of folks who regularly contribute to the conversations here at "Monkey Town" have very cool blogs of their own, (too many to list), so consider taking the time to click on someone’s name if you like what they have to say. (I'm also updating my "links" list, so check it out.) I'm very proud of the fact that we have a wide range of views represented here. I hope you will spend some time getting to know one another better.

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