I am so pleased that between the Rally to Restore Unity and my birthday, we raised $5,000—enough money to fund an entire water project for Charity:Water!
Yesterday I received this update:
You knew there was a water crisis in our world and you did something about it. In the past 18 months, you started a fundraising campaign on mycharitywater.org
You probably knew then that 100% of the money you raised would go directly to water projects in developing countries. But did you know you’d see exactly where each of your dollars ended up?
….Since your campaign closed, your funds have been sent to the field and our local partners started the work. It takes 18 months from the time we send your money to the field, for us to report back on your completed water project. When your project is complete, you'll find out the name, location and population size of the community you helped. You'll see photos, GPS coordinates and other details of your water project. You'll also be able to share all of this with the people who donated to your campaign…
When your money is sent to the field, our partners on the ground have to purchase supplies, train water committees and finish construction of the water projects. We don’t consider a project finished until we’re sure that the community has complete ownership and knows how to take care of it going forward. It’s a long journey, but a necessary one for water projects to have a lasting impact.
Learn more about exactly what happens in 18 months: visit the Dollars to Projects homepage.
We’ll send you an email as soon your projects are complete. We’re so excited to show you the lives you've transformed.
- The Charity: Water team
It will be a while before we hear anything more, but as soon as we get another update, I will let you know. In the meantime, check out these fascinating stories that show the kinds of changes our contributions will be making. And please pray that those who benefit will be blessed on many levels.
Thanks once again for your participation.
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