someone opens up about the pain they’ve experienced in a church setting, only
to be met with eye rolls, sighs, and accusations of selfishness, why on earth
would they ever want to return?! And yet I see this scenario play out all
the time in Christian communities. A word to the wise:
When someone tells you they’ve been hurt by the Church, the proper response is
“I’m so sorry; tell me what happened,” not “suck it up, kid…" On the
other hand, I must admit that among young adults (myself included), there seems
to be an unhealthy appetite for stories about the church that are exclusively
negative. We get to talking about all the ways in which we’ve been
disappointed and ostracized, and the next thing you know, we’ve slipped right
into a contagiously cynical church-bashing session, the kind that can leave
those who have had beautiful, affirming, and life-giving experiences in church
feeling like the odd ones out. In that sense, the ‘un-churced’ are just
as guilty of invalidating the experiences of the ‘churched.’ We need
to be honest about the problems in the institutional Church, yes, but we also
need to read and share and celebrate positive stories about the institutional