Rachel Held Evans

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"Evolving in Monkey Town" Book Trailer & Blog Tour

Book trailer for the memoir Evolving in Monkey Town by Rachel Held Evans Zondervan, July 2010

If you haven’t already, check out my new book trailer above.  Special thanks Dan for putting together the video and Amanda for providing the music. I’m lucky to have such a talented husband and musical sister! 

Also, you may have noticed some endorsements floating around. To read them in their entirety, just visit the book page. I can’t tell you how encouraging it is to get this kind of feedback from authors I so admire. 

So, how can you help spread the word?

The best thing you can do is simply tell your friends about Evolving in Monkey Town. The cool thing is, if you have an online platform from which you typically do that sort of thing, Zondervan will send you a free advance copy to review! (Note: Advance copies are limited, so be sure to reserve yours right away.) 

If you’re interested, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Leave your name and a link to your blog in the comment section after today’s post, or contact medirectly.
  2. Get a free advance review copy of Evolving in Monkey Town in the mail. Read and enjoy!
  3. Write a blog post about your response to the book, preferably the week of June 28-July 4, when it officially releases. 
  4. Post your review on the Evolving in Monkey Town Amazon page.  
  5. Spread the word via Twitter, Facebook, and actual interaction with your fellow human beings.

(Note: I’m available for a limited number of interviews, so if you are interested in doing that, please specify.)

Also, please contact me if you are a small group leader interested in using Evolving in Monkey Town as part of a book study…or if you write for an online/print publication and would like a copy for review….or if you are Donald Miller.

Thanks ahead of time for your support! It really means a lot.


In the meantime, feel free to use the comment section to tell us a little about your blog—what you write about, how long you’ve blogged, favorite posts, what your readers are like, etc.