Rachel Held Evans

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That's a good question...

Perhaps the most significant life lesson I’ve learned in my young adulthood is that knowing all the answers isn't as important as asking good questions. So every now and then I like to use Fridays to 1) link to other bloggers and writers who have asked compelling questions during the week and 2) open the floor for you to share whatever questions you've been wrestling with lately.

Elizabeth Esther caused quite a stir when she asked, Are humans inherently good or bad?

Scot McKnight did too when he asked, What does your church do on July 4?

For my writer friends—Jody Hedlund asks, Will my grandma like my book?

For my fellow doubters—Jason Boyett asks, Is church the best place for doubters?

For my favorite tech guys—XKCD asks, What’s the difference between geeks and nerds?

On a side note: Now that Dan and I get most of our news online, we’re always in search of good, in-depth articles about current events. After this most recent Israeli-Gaza-flotilla incident, I realized we could use some suggestions regarding sources for international news. I’m feeling a little uniformed.  Any ideas? Have you read a particularly compelling piece about the incident? Where do you typically get your international news?


What questions are you asking this week—on your blog, at your dinner table, in your head, in your heart? (Feel free to include links!)

  1. Photo by Marco Bellucci