Having spent a month and a half observing Proverbs 31 as literally as possible as part of my year-longquest for biblical womanhood, I’ll admit I’m exhausted. In fact, I’ve concluded that single most important verse in the entire chapter is verse 15, where it is revealed that the Proverbs 31 Woman had “servant girls.” No woman could do all of this on her own, not even the ideal, upper-class Jewish wife!
Fortunately I too had some help, and today I’m asking for yours.
The Proverbs 31 Woman not only “sees that her trading is profitable,” but also “opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” So I’m using Ebay to auction off some of the handmade items my friends and I made as part of the project. All proceeds (except for fees) will benefit World Vision's Women of Vision fund.
There are two packages available.
Package #1 includes:
- 2 reversible car seat covers, handmade by Darlene Bruehl
- light blue knit scarf (perfect for chilly spring mornings), handmade by Kelli Grandy
- “Robin’s Nest” therapy sack, super-cute and handmade by Robin Meloncon
- Signed copy of Evolving in Monkey Town by Rachel Held Evans
Therapy sack: "This little pillow filled with rice is such a comfort that feels so nice! Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes on high and kiss those aches and pains goodbye. Apply your pillow to the troubled spot, and the heat will ease the pain a lot! Or freeze it for a little while to fix that boo-boo up in style. Instead of a compress made of ice, use this pillow of tiny rice!"
Package #2 includes:
- 2 reversible car seat covers, handmade by Darlene Bruehl
- green-and-white-striped knit scarf (perfect for St. Patrick’s Day!), handmade by Kelli Grandy
- One-of-a-kind Proverbs 31 sash, handmade and signed by Rachel Held Evans
Please spread the word via Facebook and Twitter, and then jump on over to Ebay to place your bid today!

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