Next Tuesday, April 14th, is the official release date of Searching for Sunday, my latest book. It explores all that is beautiful and ugly and complicated about the church, through the imagery of seven sacraments.
If you order the book now and submit your proof of purchase you get access to the first three chapters immediately, plus the other gifts that are part of the Launch Celebration.
Today I’m happy to announce that we’re adding a top-secret surprise gift to the mix that is unlike any of the others and something I am very excited about.
There are a few more behind-the-scenes things that need to happen before we can announce the additional gift, but we're planning on revealing the details next week. If you've already taken advantage of the promotion and submitted your proof of purchase, there's nothing else you need to do. You'll automatically get more details delivered to your email inbox after launch week.
If you haven't snagged your copy of Searching for Sunday yet, this would be a good time! This promotion is temporary. After April 18th, it's gone.
It’s been such a joy to hear stories of how the book has impacted those who have read early copies, and I love how the imagery of the seven sacraments has already inspired creative and artistic responses.
Learn more about the Launch Celebration promotion.

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