Now there are two bloggers in the house! Check out Dan’s new Wylio blog. If you like to incorporate photos into your own blog legally and with ease, consider trying out the premium account, which is free for one month. Wylio saves me at least 15 minutes per blog post, which is why Dan and his friends created it. (Dan also made the fuzzy blue monster.)
Now on to Sunday Superlatives!
Around the Blogosphere…
Most Stunning:
The Big Picture with “Japan: One Month Later”
Most Talked-About:
TIME with “Is Hell Dead?”
Most Relatable:
Elizabeth Esther with “The Gift of Losing My Voice”
Best Series:
Skye Jethani with “Redefining Radical” - Part 1 and Part 2
“We should remember that the word radical is from Latin meaning ‘root.’ If our lives are rooted in a continual communion with God, then every person’s life, no matter how mundane, is elevated to sacred heights--including a suburban mom’s, the office worker’s, and the EPA attorney’s. And it’s not just radical when they behave like a missionary or social activist in their free time. Even working the assembly line becomes a holy activity when done with God.”
Best Question:
Mason Slater with “God Is Good?”
“Does God do things because they are good, or are things good because God does them?”
Best Illustration:
Christianity Today with “What People Gave Up for Lent, According to Twitter"
Funniest (Nominated by Steve Dawson):
Dirty Sexy Ministry with “Inappropriate Answers to Interview Questions”
Jason Boyett with “Flexibility, Heretics, and Love Wins”
“Right now, Christian theology is broader and more diverse than most Christians are comfortable with. In fact, over two thousand years of biblical interpretation, the Christian religion has proved to be ridiculously flexible, able to tolerate significant theological and practical differences without, you know, us having to say 'farewell' to people who land on a different interpretation.”
Serious Eats with “10 Things to Do With Peeps”
photo © 2008 Bryan Ochalla | more info(via: Wylio)
Most Likely To Help YOU Succeed:
Bryan Allain with “The Number One Way to Keep Your Blog From Growing”
Most Likely to Say It Just Right In Less Than 300 Words (Nominated by Ray Hollenbach):
Indigenous Worship with “God Is A Poet”
“ I don’t see sermons around the throne, but i do hear songs. God’s goodness is too massive to be lifted by intellectual might alone. We’ve gotta write. We’ve gotta sing. We’ve gotta dance. We’ve gotta create. We’ve gotta show and not just tell.”
Most Likely To Change Lives:
Alise Wright with "The 24/7 Project”
(While I was out of town, I missed Alis Write’s big announcement about the 24/7 Project to benefit Nuru International. Alise is partnering with several other bloggers to try and raise $7,000 before Easter. Please consider lending your support!)
On the Blog…
Most Popular Post:
Rob Bell and the Perils of Christian Fandom
Most Popular Comment (with 18 “likes”):
Sarah, in response to Why I am a Christian wrote:
“I am a Christian because, despite my doubts, despite the fact that my cerebral nature often keeps me from ever making a true leap of faith, despite my stunning capacity for existential crises in the middle of the night, despite my inability to believe every word of the bible or check every box in any creed...Jesus will just not let me go. He calls me back to his simple Way again and again, and I am unable to stop loving him or to stop believing that the way he lived is the most authentic, human, kind way to live. I am a Christian because I love Jesus. Not because I believe everything the church says about him.”
Note: Sarah wrote a lovely follow-up to this comment on her blog. Be sure to check it out.
Now it’s your turn!
Share: 1) a favorite post from someone else’s blog, 2) a favorite post from your own blog.

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