In addition to today’s superlatives, I want to direct you to some posts that have cropped up in response to my conversation with Tim Challies about women “letting themselves go.”
Tim Ricchuiti wrote a great piece entitled “Let Her Go” in which he notes, “With body policing, women can’t win. Either they “let themselves go,” in which case, they bear the blame for their husband’s adultery, or they dress up, provoking others to lust after them.”
Author Mary Kassian responded with “Female Beauty Matters,” arguing that “human sexuality is a parable —a testimony to the character of God and to His spectacular plan of redemption through Jesus. This spiritual truth is so magnificent that God chose to put it on display permanently. Everywhere. Men were created to reflect the strength, love and self-sacrifice of Christ. Women were created to reflect the grace and beauty of the Bride He redeemed.”
Susie Finkbeiner responded to the discussion with a short story.
Now on the superlatives!
Around the blogosphere…
Matthew Paul Turner (at On Faith) with “Oprah’s Last Show: The Other End of the World”
Alise Wright with “A Christ Centered Marriage”
James McGrath with “Trusting the Bible Vs. Trusting Human Reason”
“I have yet to encounter a fundamentalist who was able to actually demonstrate what would admittedly be an impressive trick: reading without using their brains."
Most Likely to Make Us Think:
Roger Olson with “Why I Can’t Give Up the Label ‘Evangelical’”
Most Likely to Help Us Find God in the Everyday:
Jennifer Fulwiler with “Praying Like You’re Illiterate”
”I don’t know how long I sat there soaking up each aspect of the icon, but when I was finished I felt as enriched as if I had read chapters of sacred theology. Something about contemplating the truths of the faith without words, by seeing alone, engaged a whole different part of my brain, and made me consider these truths on a more primal, less intellectual level than I normally do.”
Most Likely to Make Us Shout and Pump Our Fists:
Amber Karnes. with “Anatomy of a Trending Topic: How Twitter and the Crafting Community Put the Smackdown on Urban Outfitters “
Best List:
Tony Jones with “Essential Books on Christian Spirituality”
Weirdest News Story:
Baby Storm – Boy or Girl?
Biggest Interview:
John Piper interviews Rick Warren
Am I the only who suspects that these guys are frenemies? Why does this interview feel like a test?
Here on the blog…
Most Popular Post:
Better Conversations About Biblical Womanhood (Part 2)
Most Popular Comment:
Zack, in response to “Better Conversations About Biblical Womanhood (Part 1),” wrote:
I wonder what Challies does with Jesus' words in Matt 6:28 - "Why do you worry about your clothes?" I guess it's just easier to ignore the parts of the Bible that fundamentally negate your argument, especially when they come out of the mouth of Jesus.
And as I mentioned to Challies this "issue" has no relevance to anyone outside of the American/Western/Prosperous context. I think the majority of women on this planet who can barely afford even a "stained Mickey Mouse t-shirt" would find his words confusing and oppressive.
Tonight at 6 p.m. I’ll speaking LIVE via Skype to the good folks of Darkwood Brew. The topic: “If love wins…now what?” Should be interesting! Consider tuning in.
So what’s going on over at your blog this week? Catch anything interesting in the news or on the blogosphere?

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