Our interview series continues today with Sister Helena Burns, a Catholic nun.(She’s the one on the right.)
Sister Helena is a member of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of Roman Catholic Sisters founded to communicate God's Word through the media. She is finishing her M.A. in Media Literacy Education, has a B.A. in theology and philosophy from St. John's University, NYC, studied screenwriting at UCLA and Act One, Hollywood, and holds a Certificate in Pastoral Youth Ministry. She is the movie reviewer for “The Catholic New World,” Chicago’s Archdiocesan newspaper. She is currently writing and producing a documentary on the life of Blessed James Alberione.
Sister Helena has been giving media and Theology of the Body workshops to youth and adults all over the U.S. and Canada since the 90’s, and believes that media can be a primary tool for sharing God's love and salvation. Her book for young adult women, He Speaks to You, comes out this June.
She blogs here, and you can find her on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
You know the drill: If you have a question for Sister Helena, leave it in the comment section. At the end of the day, I’ll pick the top seven or eight questions and send them to her. We'll post his response next week. Be sure to take advantage of the “like” feature so that we can get a sense of what questions are of most interest to readers. Please remember the point of our interview series is not to debate or challenge, but to ask the sort of questions that will help us understand one another better.
(You can check out the rest of the interview series—which includes an atheist, a Muslim, a Mormon, a humanitarian, a pacifist, an evolutionary creationist, a Catholic, an Orthodox Jew, a gay Christian, a Christian libertarian, a Mennonite, a pacifist, a Pentecostal, and more—here.)
Ask away!

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