Top 10 Pinterest Myths

by Rachel Held Evans Read Distraction Free
'Cupcakes for Sinterklaas' photo (c) 2011, Marjolein Knuit - license:

1. “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. “ (Bull s$*t. Every item on your pumpkin-based desserts board tastes better than skinny feels.)

2. What the world really needs is more elaborate nail art.

3. A bedroom/indoor pool combo makes sense for people other than Hugh Hefner.

4. Every woman has  time to make a festive fall wreath out of coffee filters, a lamp shade out of old photo slides, and a trendy scarf out of a ripped up t-shirt.

5. The word “tutorial” is nothing to be afraid of.

6. Nothing will delight your wedding guests more than a  photo booth + mustaches-on-sticks. (Truth: An open bar will delight your wedding guests more than a photo booth + mustaches-on-sticks.)  

7. Those heels are too pretty to hurt.

8. Your pet/toddler will LOVE the ironic, topical Halloween costume you made them.

9. Copyright laws don’t apply; it’s the internet!

10. You’ll only be a few minutes...

What would you add to the list?

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