Well, I just wrapped up my last speaking gig of the summer, which means I’ve got three whole months of freedom to work on the blog, start on a new book, and clean out the bedroom closet.
Several of my writing buddies have talked me into doing a bit more vlogging—maybe not as often as once a week, but at least a couple times a month. Since I have purposefully left my summer free of travel, I thought it would be fun to bring the Q&A sessions I enjoy doing on the road right here to the blog by inviting you to submit any questions you might have for me via the comment section. I can respond to my favorites throughout the summer, through both video blogs and regular posts. This will give me an idea of what you want to talk about and help shape future content on the blog.
So, if you have a question or comment, leave it in the comment section. As with our “Ask a…” series, it helps if you “like” your favorite questions, so we know what is of most interest to our readers. Don’t worry if it takes a while for me to get to your question; I'll be working through them all summer.
I'll also be turning the tables on you a few times this summer, posing some of my big theological questions to you for your input and ideas. (Time to take advantage of all you smart people and figure out the Trinity once and for all!)
By way of a programming note, I’m hoping to jump right back into our Sexuality & The Church series with a roundtable discussion on the topic of masturbation either this Monday or next Monday. We will be moving away from our conversations on homosexuality for a while to discuss sexuality more generally, but will perhaps revisit the topic again later in the year with some additional book discussions. In the meantime, we’ll be looking at Sexuality and Holy Longing by Lisa Graham McMinn, The Purity Myth by Jessica Valenti, and See Me Naked by Amy Frykholm.
The next series to appear on the blog, Lord willing, will be a 3-5 post series on the Greco-Roman Household Codes of the New Testament, a topic I get irrationally excited about. Similar to our Mutuality Series, it will explore the concept of “submission” in the New Testament, particularly as it relates to men and women.
So that’s the plan. It’s obviously subject to change.
Now feel free to ask me anything (well, almost anything)!
As always, thanks so much for your faithful readership. It means a lot.

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