So I checked Twitter before going to bed last night (never a good idea!) and was surprised to see this tweet from Owen Strachan of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: “It's one thing to disagree with the other side. It's another to have a post reported as ‘unsafe’ & silenced by Facebook! @rachelheldevans”
It's one thing to disagree with the other side. It's another to have a post reported as "unsafe" & silenced by Facebook! @rachelheldevans
— Owen Strachan (@ostrachan) May 23, 2014
My blog on RHE & "God as woman," barred by Facebook, is reposted. Note the chronology: they come for me first, they'll come for you next...
— Owen Strachan (@ostrachan) May 24, 2014
My post on @rachelheldevans's views was reported to Fbook & deemed "unsafe." Note this next time someone says complementarians are unfair!
— Owen Strachan (@ostrachan) May 23, 2014
I’m not sure what happened with Owen’s post and Facebook—it appears to be an issue with some new ad coding on his Web site—but I can say without equivocation that I had nothing to do with getting it censored or deemed “unsafe.” I’m all about easy access to content, (even when it’s content I don’t like!) so just because Owen and I disagree on gender issues doesn’t mean I’d try to get him blocked or banned or censored.
While it appears to be a technical glitch, in the unlikely event any readers were somehow involved, please know that censorship is really not my style. I like to engage ideas—even dissenting ideas—and I believe mine are strong enough to stand on their own without silencing opposition.*
Regardless, I think it would be more prudent to withhold judgment/paranoia/ accusations until we know for sure what went wrong.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, Zuckerberg and I need to get back to work on our plan to SHUT DOWN PINTEREST!
*Update: All signs point to new ad code on Patheos that got automatically flagged by Facebook. Apparently, several other bloggers had the same problem this week, though it looks like the problem's been solved. Owen continues to insist that his "theology was deemed unsafe" by Facebook.

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