So Donald Miller and I had a short exchange on Twitter yesterday which has for some reason taken on mythic proportions among some of our followers, with folks labeling it a “throwdown,” a “smackdown,” and a “feud.”
Well, the true story is a lot more boring than that. And in fact, the twitter conversation led to a fantastic opportunity for further dialog. I’m a big fan of Don’s and I have absolutely no ill-feelings towards him. So to clear up any confusion, here’s the full exchange:
Rachel Held Evans
Some thoughts on the @donmilleris love story series: "My Story is More Interesting Than That" -
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans lost you in all the either/or language and absolute statements. But have fun with the 2 option life!
Rachel Held Evans
@donmilleris I am actually really happy with my life and my marriage. And I sincerely wish you and Paige the same.
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans thanks! That was kind of you.
Angela Doll Carlson
@donmilleris @rachelheldevans this is a very confusing exchange. Is it terse or am I just projecting that?
Rachel Held Evans
@mrsmetaphor @donmilleris I have no ill-feelings for Don; just disagreed with him on this one. Sincerely wish him the best. Marriage rocks!
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans one what? One blog. One point. I didnt disagree with anything in your post so I'm confused.
Rachel Held Evans
@donmilleris Oh I just mean I disagreed with some points in your original posts. Hope that clarifies.
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans it doesn't actually. You stated disagreements with ideas I dont believe. That women should not lead? I dont believe that.
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans so my issue is that you've grossly exaggerated the position and refuted an exaggeration.
Rachel Held Evans
@donmilleris I agree w/ readers who have suggested that it might be more productive to have this conversation in a different format. Ideas?
Donald Miller
@rachelheldevans let's plan on a response from you on my blog with a counter response. You'd approve of my response or I wouldnt print! ??
Rachel Held Evans
@donmilleris For reals? I'd definitely be up for that. Give us both the chance to clarify. DM me with details?
Then Don sent me a really kind, generous direct message with the details.
Not exactly a throwdown.
The strangest response to all of this was this tweet: “Evangelical celebs like @donmilleris, @rachelheldevans get snarky on Twitter. Meanwhile, there’s a famine in Somalia"
That one stung a little because 1) I don't think I was snarky with Don, and 2) I’ve written quite a bit about poverty over the past few weeks and am as frustrated as anyone that those posts didn’t get the same attention that this one did.
Can anything be done about the fact that we are more drawn to controversy than to poverty and compassion? Is that just the way it is?

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