This November, I’ll be honing my domestic skills as part of my year of biblical womanhood and I need your help. Enter for the chance to have your original recipe published here on the blog and maybe in the forthcoming book!
What kind of recipes:
Easy, tasty dinner entrees for 2-4 hungry people.
To enter:
Submit your recipe via the contact page, selecting “recipe contest” in the “regarding” menu. (One entry per email address.) Recipes must be original—not previously published in any medium, and not having won prizes or awards in any other contest. Deadline is Monday, November 15, 2010 at 11:59 p.m. The winning recipe will become the property of the author (Rachel Held Evans) for possible inclusion on the blog ( and in a future book to be published by Thomas Nelson, with the recipe’s creator receiving full credit. Note: If you have already sent a recipe via the comments or email, please send again to officially qualify.
Judging will be conducted by a completely unqualified, nonobjective board consisting of Dan and Rachel Evans. Judging will occur in three rounds. Round one involves choosing the five recipes that appear easiest, tastiest and most creative at first glance. Round two involves making, eating, and scoring each recipe. Round three involves choosing the two best recipes and serving both to friends (also completely unqualified, though perhaps a bit more objective) to help determine the winner. Scoring is based on taste, appearance, imagination, and practicality. Winner will be announced on Monday, December 6. Important: Give the recipe a clever, “biblical” name for extra credit! (Example: Queen Esther’s Easy Chicken Pot Pie)
The Winner:
The winning recipe will be published on the blog ( along with a photo of the dish and a brief bio about its creator. The winner will receive a signed copy of Evolving in Monkey Town, and the chance to have his or her original recipe published in Rachel’s forthcoming book about her year of biblical womanhood. The final decision regarding inclusion of the recipe in the book belongs to the publisher.
I love casseroles. Dan hates any kind of fish, including shellfish. I’m not allergic to peanuts or almonds, but I am allergic to tree nuts—walnuts, pecans, cashews. (They make my lips swell up like Will Smith’s in “Hancock”; it's embarrassing.) The shorter the list of ingredients, the better.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

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